Champion Class Powers
Champion Powers (PC1) List by Level
Level 1:
Training (Special: Mount) II:
Mounted Combat II
Stance (Covering) II:
Take Cover II
Training IV (Languages):
Linguistics IV
Heavy Armor II:
Heavy Shield II:
Large Slashing Weapon II:
Large Slashing Attack IV (Medium Range) +8 attack bonus
Quicksilver Strike IV
Special Enhancements II:
Champion's Constitution II: +40 Health
Defense: AOE
Shield Defense - Defense (Lethal)
Summon Courage - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Read Aura:
100% - Detect PL (Free)
100% - Detect Soul (Free)
100% - Detect Alignment (Free)
Combat Training (Class Weapon) II:
Austere Engraved Lance of Honor II
Noncombat Buff IV (Boost Perfect):
Inspirational Devotion IV
Level 2:
Summon II (Shield): Instant
Summon Shield II
Enhancement (Influence I): +10 petition / +10 reason
Words of Wisdom I
Detect Energy Type IV:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Enhancements II (Alertness): +40
Vigilance II
Combat Buff II (Defensive - Party - Buff):
Bolster Defense II
Summon II:
Summon (Class Weapon) II
Level 3:
Creation IV (Temporary Barrier):
Bulwark of Defense IV
Locate Safe Haven II:
Find Safe Haven II
Training II: +10% to all reputation (party)
Renown II
Stance (Protecting) IV:
Protective Countenance IV
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Deceiver (Intelligent)
Level 4:
Stances I: (Attack)
Offensive Stance I
Locate Follower I (Common):
Inspirational Plea I
Training II (Class Weapon - Lance): +10 to Crit when Galloping
Austere Engraved Lance of Honor II
Mounted Attack II: +20 attack / +20% damage / +20 crit
Charging Strike II
Attack II (Single Fast) / Cure Fear II (Party):
Call of Valor II
Boost I:
Boost Critical I (Dazed)
Boosts I:
Boost Armor I
Locate I: Class Contact
Locate Champion I (Uncommon)
Level 5:
Training (Combat) I:
2 attacks total
Leadership Stance IV:
Poised Countenance IV
Creation (Temporary Weapon) IV: +4 damage
Call of the Champion IV
Attack II (Single Fast: 10 pts) / Cure Health II (+5 Party):
Call to Victory II
Recovery II (Effect):
Recovery (Entranced) II
Cause Fear (Group) IV:
Defiance IV
Defense IV: Extended Range (Only) +40
Crouching Shield Defense IV - Defense (Lethal)
Triumphant Aura IV - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Level 6:
Boost I:
Boost Attack I
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Golden Aura
Training (Mounted) III:
Expert Rider III (Bonus: +30 to running, charging, and jumping when riding a horse and appropriate)
Combat Training (Attack) III: Line +12
Advancing Charge III
Locate I: Regional Contact
Locate Regional Leader I (Uncommon)
Level 7:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Bloodsworn - (Random)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Shadowed Aura
Attack II (Limited - Soul):
Petetioning of Souls II
Leadership Stance III: (Riding OOC x3 / Self x4)
Lead the Charge III
Buff Combat (Limited - Party Member in Neg Health) II:
Rally II
Enhancement (Social) II: +20 challenge / +20 flatter
Negotiate II
Level 8:
Enhancement (Limited Combat): +10 in joust or Meleegravee
Honor on the Field II
Leadership Stance II: (Military Combat +10)
Synchronized March II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Divine Chorus
Combat Buff (Single Attack - Limited) II: +20 att / +20 crit
Yaulp II
Detect Attitude II:
Test the Waters II
Summon Armor II:
Combat Attire II
Level 9:
Training (Combat) II:
3 attacks total
Create Aura (Influence) II:
Golden Aura of Light II
Training II Range (Long):
Long Range Attack II
Combat Training (Attack) II: Long +4 attack
Longbow II
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Summoner - (Intelligent)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Infernal Dirge
Soothing Words I: (Instant) You heal an ally 50 or 100 health.
Level 10:
Share Energy II (Party):
Surge of Comradery II
Combat Training (Attack) II: AOE +4
Whirling Blade II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Enhancement II (Sleep):
Unfettered Nerve II
Emergency Healing IV (Self):
Noble Alms IV
Negate Terrain (Crowded) IV:
Fluid Movement IV
Level 11:
Boost II: Class Enemy (+20)
Boost Critical II
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Deceived - (Random)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Droning Whispers
Enhancement II (Negative Health):
Unshakable Devotion II
Level 12:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Harmonic Resonance
Attack II (Chosen Enemy):
Cry of Vengeance II
Attack II: (Touch) +5 attack
Halbschwart II
Training II: Weapon Manipulation
Close Long-sword Training II
Level 13:
Training (Combat) III:
4 attacks total
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Tainted - (Random)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Leadership Stance II: +10 pursuit
Lead the Chase II
Devastating Attack I:
Called Shot I
Level 14:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Words of Truth
Enhancement II: (Defensive - Shield)
Two-Weapon Defense II
Locate Follower II (Uncommon):
Inspirational Plea II
Locate II: Class Contact
Locate Champion II (Rare)
Level 15:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Blacksoul - (Intelligent)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Venemous Spite
Combat Buff IV (Resist Fear): Champion - Immune / P +40
Unflinching Courage IV
Level 16:
Enhancement II (Nourishment):
Hardened Constitution II
Taunting (Single Target) IV:
Challenge of Honor IV
Level 17:
Special Bond (Familiar) III:
Falconry III
Attack III (Limited - Soulless):
Cataclysmic Strike III
Large Blunt Weapon Training III
Warhammer III
Level 18:
Combat Buff II (Party): +2 healing powers and items
Devoted Inspiration II
Leadership Stance III: +3 attack / +3 damage
Coordinated Attacks III
Enhancement III (Limited Combat): +15 joust / Meleegravee
Honor on the Field III
Level 19:
Enhancements III (Alertness): +15
Vigilance III
Training III Range (Long):
Long Range Attack III
Combat Training (Attack) III: Long +6 attack
Longbow III
Level 20:
Stances II: (Attack)
Offensive Stance II
Share Energy III (Party):
Surge of Comradery III
Enhancement (Influence II): +20 petition / +20 reason
Words of Wisdom II
Level 21:
Locate II: Noble Contact
Locate a Noble Patron II (Rare)
Mounted Attack III: +6 attack / +3 damage / +15 knockback
Charging Strike III
Training (Combat) IV:
5 attacks total
Combat Buff II (Self - Special):
Battle Rage II
Level 22:
Combat Buff (Single Attack - Limited) III: +30 att / +30 crit
Yaulp III
Combat Buff III (Defensive - Party - Free Action):
Bolster Defense III
Level 23:
Combat Training (Attack) IV: Line +16
Advancing Charge IV
Training III: +15% to all reputation (party)
Renown III
Level 24:
Stances II: (Increase Armor Defense)
Defensive Stance II
Defense III (Ally - Special): Free Action
Targeted Defense III
Level 25:
Large Slashing Attack V (Medium Range) +12 attack bonus
Quicksilver Strike V
Activate Class Totem I:
Activate Ancient Statue I
Level 29:
Rare Skill Tree (Gildon: Relentless Path): Break Barricade | Search | Planar Casting | Medic (H) |
Rare Powers:
Combat Buff (Single Attack - Limited) III: +30 att / +30 crit
Yaulp IV
Combat Training (Attack) II: AOE +15
Whirling Blade III
Mounted Attack III: +6 attack / +3 damage / +15 knockback
Charging Strike IV
Attack II: (Touch) +5 attack
Halbschwart III