Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Bulwark of Defense IV
Power Level: Base () / Max ()
Efficiency: Unique (10 square ft per 1%)
Activation Word:
Type: Creation
Range: Touch (0')
Methods: Chanting, Gestures, Concentration,
Sacrifice: One item of equal percentage
Duration: Until midnight or until dispelled or destroyed
Time: Free Action
Focus: Engraved Stone Talisman of Grace (unique)
Target: Eight 5' squares
Limits: One at a time / Once per rest
Note: These can be visible (Rolling heat) or invisible (uncommon concealment).

Effect: You create a number of 5' cube shaped barriers that are created out of ethereal heat. Each barrier cannot be passed without destroying it, climbing it (uncommon terrain plus damage), jumping (uncommon) over it T-100, or otherwise physically bypassing the obstacle. Any power (60 point) or larger attack will destroy a bulwark square (1 cube) while a less powerful attack will bounce off harmlessly. Contact with the barrier will cause 1 point of damage per round (heat). Placement of the cubes is up to the caster but they must all be connected by at least one corner.

Temporary Item (Cube of Etherial Heat)