Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Longbow II
Style: Influence / Martial
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon (91-00)
Attack Bonus: Efficiency +4
Damage: Piercing
Ability Type: Range Piercing II
Range: Long (100’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: One 5' square aroud the target
Focus: One weapon of sufficient quality and PL
Target: Enemy
Resistance: No
Uses: Champion Only
Limits: Attacker must have room to kneel and fire a large bow.

Attacks: Long II (Lance II)

Attacks Long: (Large Pierce - Lethal)
+50/6 - Straight Shot II
+25/9 - Banking Shot II
+0/18 - High Arching Shot II

Attacks Long II: Golden Aura - Non-lethal
+50/6 - Golden Arrow II
+25/9 - Hail of Golden Arrows II
+0/18 - Golden Arrowstorm II