Medieval Fantasy RPG

book magus arcanum power Energy Shift III
Efficiency: Rare
Activation Word: Elementum
Type: Buff (Combat)
Range: Personal (0')
Methods: Intellectual Concentration, Hand gesture
Sacrifice: Special I
Duration: One round
Time: Instant
Area of Effect: One 5' square around you
Focus: One class item (uncommon)
Target: Self
Limits: Once per combat | Element you can cast at uncommon or better |

Effect: Gain one uncommon energy type (chosen upon training) | Energy Shift III: You empower yourself with the energy of a chosen element and are temporarily transformed into a living embodyment of that element. When you attack in this elemental form you do an additional 50% points of damage per attack when using that element. When making contact with a person or item not immune to the element you do fast damage for that attack unless you choose not to do so (see below). In this state you are immune to the element of the chose type of up to rare effect.

Note: You can choose to touch without damage (at will).This allows you to open doors walk and etc without damage if you choose.