Magus Arcanum Powers
Class Powers List by Level
Level 1:
Training (Special):
Activate Magic Item IV
Light Armor II:
Light Shield II:
Rod of Power (Long) II:
Stance (Covering) II:
Take Cover II
Noncombat Buff III (Self): +60 Health
Mystical Energy Field III
Attack II (Long): Class Weapon (+20% damage)
Mystical Words of Power II
Creation II (Special Combat Item):
Elemental Glowstone II
Defense: AOE
Sonic Barrier II - Defense (Lethal)
Arcane Bulwark II - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Read Aura:
100% - Detect PL (Free)
100% - Detect Soul (Free)
100% - Detect Alignment (Free)
Creation IV: (Magical Writing)
Runic Script IV
Training Appraisal II: +40
Discerning Eye II
Level 2:
Stances I: (Attack)
Offensive Stance I
Cover Tracks II (Magical Creation):
Circle of Concealment II
Detect Energy Type IV:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Arcane Magic
Stance (Intellect) IV:
Prescient Stance IV
Noncombat Buff II: (Armor Protection)
Runes of the Golden Aegis II
Combat Attack II: (Steal Special)
Ritual of Dislocation II
Level 3:
Attack (AOE) II: Healing (Limited)
Magikos Curatio II
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Dark Magus
Detect Energy Type IV
Eldritch Magic
Stances I: (Increase Armor Defense)
Defensive Stance I
Attack II (AOE): Class Weapon (+10 critical)
Orbus Arcanum II
Boost (Critical Substitution): +10
Boost Critical (Stun)
Level 4:
Combat Buff IV (Single Offensive):
Eyes of the Primeval IV
Boosts I:
Boost Armor I
Creation II: (Sound)
Call of the Doppelganger II
Training (Profession) II:
Astronomy II
Creation II: (Reinforce Object)
Shield of Runic Storm II
Enhancement I (Intellect): +10 to solve clues or riddles
Problem Solver I
Bonus Exploration Experience +10%:
Well-Traveled II
Enhanced Resistance I:
+5 to all resistance rolls (innate skill)
Level 5:
Training (Combat) I:
2 attacks total
Crowd Control (Personal) IV:
Shimmering Visage IV
Recovery II (Effect):
Recovery II (Stunned)
Locate I: Class Contact
Locate Magus Arcanum I (Uncommon)
Summoning II (Limited):
Summon Class Weapon II (Rod of Power)
Noncombat Buff - Negate Terrain (Underwater) IV:
Sigil of Breathlessness IV
Analyze Uncommon Magic Item II:
Mystical Myopia II
Level 6:
Creation (Object Transformation) II:
Transmogrify Object II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Arcane Text
Defense III: (Passive) Extended Range (only)
Runic Armaments III - (+30) Defense (Lethal)
Arcane Armaments III - (+30) Defense (Non-Lethal)
Summon Item III (Combat):
Arcane Ropework III
Limited Attack III (Long): (+30 attack - 1 per combat)
Runes of War III
Level 7:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Cursed Spell Fragments
Boost I:
Boost Attack I
Cause Fear (Group) III:
Abhorrence III
Illusion IV (Personal) Limited (Bonus: Ambush II)
Pyrotechnics IV
Attack II: Long (Chosen Enemy):
Mind Trap II
Level 8:
Leadership Stance II: (Crafting +10)
Overseer II
Healing / Damage II (Long):
Diametric Globes II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
White Crystal Shards
Enhancement (Conceal Presence):
Mystical Shroud II
Enhancement II (One Instant Training up to II):
Quick Study II
Long Range Flanking Attack II (Blunt: Once per round): +30 crit Effect: Stunned II |
Globes of Seeking II
Level 9:
Training (Combat) II:
3 attacks total
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
War Machine
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Eldritch Gems
Boost I: Class Enemy
Boost Critical I
Negate Terrain (Unsteady) IV:
Equilibrium IV
Special Defensive II: Free Action
Reflective Barrier II
Crafting Bonus I (Any): +5
Curious Mind I
Level 10:
Cause Poison (Group) III:
Dragon's Breath III
Communication (Magical):
Read Glyphs and Runes II
Creation/Teleport Familiar:
Planar Haven II
Ambush II:
Phantasm II
Locate Place (Teleport Gem):
Attuned Senses II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Arcane Glow
Level 11:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Eldritch Aura
Conceal Power Use II:
Ephemeral Casting II
Locate Contact II (Merchant):
Trade Negotiations II
Level 12:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Arcane Tracery
Movement II (Object):
Ritual of the Phantom II
Teleport Self II:
Circle of Power II
Warding (Enemy Movement):
Temporal Flux II
Level 13:
Training (Combat) III:
4 attacks total
Training II: Combat Item
Wand of Power II
Attack (Extended) II: Magical Weapon (Wand of Power)
Wand of Power II
Offensive Combat Buff (Ally) IV:
Ritual of Vigor IV
Special Healing (Item):
Drain Magic Item II
Level 14:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Black Ritual
Communication II (Unintelligent - One Way)
Analyze Behavior IV
Combat Buff II (Ally): Free action (+2 energy damage)
Arcane Focus II
Level 15:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Rituals of Light
Creation (Fire) II:
Lasting Flames II
Creation II (Protection - Elemental Critical)
Elemental Shield II
Enhancement II (Intellect): +20 to solve clues or riddles
Problem Solver II
Level 16:
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Dark Ceremonies
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Level 17:
Training (Combat) IV:
5 attacks total
Teleport Group II:
Ritual of Summoning II
Create Personal Potential Concealment II (Self):
Aura of Shimmering Air II
Combat Buff II (Ally): Free action (+2 weapon damage)
Wailing Weapons II
Level 18:
Attack II: (Flanking)
Blindside II
Training Appraisal III:
Discerning Eye III
Movement II (Earth) / Alt (Attack - Earth)
Excavation II
Level 19:
Group Travel III (Evac):
Emergency Teleport III
Attack II: Special (+10 att / no criticals)
Mystical Arrows II
Level 20:
Locate Place IV (Canterbury, Kent)
Locate Titus Gem IV
Creation (Temporary Item): +1 damage (party)
Empowered Moonstone II
Item Use III: +30 to appraisal
Use Looking Glass III
Level 21:
Combo Attack II: (Finishing Move)
Healing/Armor Protection IV (Self - Emergency):
Magical Barricade IV
Stances II: (Attack)
Offensive Stance II
Finishing Move II:
Explosive Runes II
Combat Item (Small) Training III:
Use Arcane Scroll III
Combat Training III (Attack - Long):
Meteorite III
Level 22:
Stances II: (Attack)
Offensive Stance II
Targeted Detaunt IV: (Unintelligent)
Mind Warp IV
Level 23:
Attack III: Healing (Limited)
Magikos Curatio III
Stances II: (Increase Armor Defense)
Defensive Stance II
Level 24:
Enhancement II (Special): (See Invisibility)
Eyes of the Dragon III
Boosts II:
Boost Armor II
Level 25:
Special Creation II (Item - Etching):
Rune Etched Globe II
Activate Class Totem I:
Activate Enigma Globe I
Level 29:
Rare Martial Powers Tree (climbing, running, stealth, ambush, + talents)
Combat Attack II: (Steal Special)
Ritual of Dislocation III