Temporal Flux II
Power Level:
Efficiency: Uncommon
Ability Type: Supernatural
Range: Touch (0’)
Sacrifice: Yes (Special)
Material: Ruthenium Dust (1r) / Ruby (U) / Colored Sand (white and green) / Twilight Dust (C)
Duration: Permanent
Time: One hour
Area of Effect: Eight 5' squares for movement and 1 for aging
Focus: One class weapon of sufficient PL
Target: Area of effect
Resistance: No
Uses: Unlimited
Limits: Attacker must have full access to the area warded and must not be harmed or disrupted during the casting. One ward of each type at a time. Area must not already be warded unless you have the permission of the caster unless it is first dispelled. Caster must create the symbol manually, using anything from a stick to precious metal and gem dusts as an inlay.
Effect: You trace out mystical symbols on the ground in white green and silver and place the gems around the edges.
Temporal Flux II: This wards a particular area and has a chance of surrounding anyone of the uncommon or lesser type who crosses the border without permission of the caster by -10 feet and lose -5 on initiative rolls. Note: Movement types of less than 10 feet mean the person cannot move unles they adopt a different stance or employ other methods of movement.
Auto - Common
T-75 - Uncommon
Secondary Effect: Slow Aging II
Note: To perform this ward you recite the mystical words tied to the ward while tracing the runes and mystical diagrams on a much smaller area to be warded using the appropriate materials. Then once prepared you make the appropriate gestures while walking the perimeter of the ward and placing the gems. The next person to step inside will have their aging effects slowed permanently unless dispelled by magic or voluntarily.