Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Globes of Seeking II
Style: Intellectual
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon +30 (61-00)
Attack Bonus: Efficiency +0
Damage Bonus: +0
Ability Type: Class
Range: Long (100’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: One 5' square
Focus: One weapon of sufficient quality and PL
Target: One creature
Uses: Magus Arcanum Only
Limits: Once per round

Effect: Attack (Flank) | Critical Effect: Stunned II (T-75) |

Attacks: Class Weapon - Long Attack (Lethal Blunt)
+40/4 - Flanking Strike II
+20/6 - Sweeping Blow II
+0/12 - Backbreaker II

Attacks: Class Weapon II - Long Range (Non-Lethal - Arcane)
+40/4 - Arcane Designs of Mara II
+20/6 - Mystical Imprint of Xera II
+0/12 - Runic Designs of Karo II