GM Guide - Swirls of red sparkles and blue streaks.
Arcane Magic: Description: / Damage Type: / Display: Sight, Sound, Touch, Smell, Intuition / Secondary Effect(s): / Source: / Extra Damage: Eldritch Magic / User:
Arcane magic is a system of magic in which spells are drawn from physical or metaphysical sources. Spells are learned from spellbooks, inside magic schools, or on one's own through an innate ability as in the rare case of wild magic. Arcane spells involve rituals, spell components, words, gestures, and or magical items.
. Many Magus Arcanums see themselves not only as spell casters but as philosophers, inventors, and alchemists, studying a system of natural laws that are for the most part unknown and undiscovered.
Preparing: In order to prepare the actual spell or spells, a Magus Arcanum needs a comfortable and quiet area to study each power out of his spellbook.
Casting: When the need calls for a certain spell to be cast, the Magus Arcanum will allow his thoughts to retreat back into his consciousness in order to obtain it. It often appears that Magus Arcanums are in trances while they are casting, which has some truth to it, but they are not so much entranced that they cannot recognize the outside situations.
When he finds the spell he wants, the Magus Arcanum will then carry out the trigger sequence. This is the common view of a Magus Arcanum casting, a bunch of strange words, a tossing of a spell component, and a unusual hand movement. In actuality every part of the sequence must be exact or else the Magus Arcanum may miscast, misfire, cast an entirely different spell, or cast nothing at all.
Arcane Spellbook: (Slotless) The book's hard green lizard skin cover is protected with some sort of alchemical hardener to prevent scratching from day-to-day wear. The title was burned into the cover using a brand of hot iron, which resulted in black marks that stand out well from the green colored skin. The five symbols crossing the cover are from some kind of ancient magical language in common use with Magus Arcanums many years ago which symbolize the five elements, air, water, fire, earth, and spirit. The steady-handed inscriptions on the vellum interior pages were made with fine magical ink, and the text is easily readable at arm's length due to the large script used. The book radiates magic (transmutation) and contains the spells you have learned so far. The spellbook makes memorizing your spells each day easier (Automatic) and without it there is a chance (50% minus 5% per level of spell below casters level) of spell failure. (Min 01%)
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If you have a hard time getting into character many elements of the system will lay a path of choices before you and encourages you to get in tune with your character naturally. See Characters