Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Spirit Whip II
Power Level: Base () / Max ()
Ability Type:
Range: Close (5’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Combat
Summoning Time: One free action
Area of Effect: Personal
Focus: Self
Target: Self
Resistance: No
Uses: Once per rest
Limits: Attacker must have sufficient room to swing a large weapon and have their hands free.

Effect: Normal Lethal or Nonlethal Attack (Medium) This spell creates a glowing white whip of spiritual energy of +10 quality that can only damage karmic wielding creatures. Its use gives the user a +10 divine bonus for the purposes of its attack bonus and +20 on criticals. On a perfect attack the weapon does an Bonus 40 points of damage to an enemy. Perfect Effect: Wound II

Note: The whip is pure energy and is incorporeal and only makes contact with negative karmic creatures. As such it cannot leave the wielders hand to be used by another person, fumbled or dropped.