Ritualist Class Powers
Ritualist Powers List by Level: Karma
Level 1:
Ritual II: Warding (Instant Protection: Damage)
Ward of Presidium II
Ritual II: Cleansing (Remove Curse: Person or Item)
Purification Ritual II
Class Item II (Training):
Rune Etched Glass Grandstaff II (Class Weapon)
Languages IV (Deru): +80
Whispers of the Forest IV
Stance (Covering) II:
Take Cover II
Training IV (Animal):
Animal Training IV: (bird, feline, feral, mount, or serpent)
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Medium Armor II:
Medium Shield II:
One-Handed Entangling II:
Combat Training II (Attack: AOE +10 Class Weapon):
Ritual of Air II
Defense: AOE
Attune Chakra - Defense (Lethal)
Tempest Runes - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Read Aura:
100% - Detect PL (Free)
100% - Detect Soul (Free)
100% - Detect Alignment (Free)
Level 2:
Detaunt II (Self - Single):
Dharmic Countenance II
Stances I: (Attack)
Offensive Stance I
Detect Energy Type IV:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Stance (Karma) IV:
Meditative Stance IV
Detect Weather IV:
Weather Sense IV
Medical Human II (Training):
Triage II
Summon Class Weapon II (Limited):
Summon Rune Etched Glass Grandstaff (Class Weapon)
Level 3:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Energy Type IV:
Training IV (Special: Animal): Handle two types
Animal Training IV: (bird, feline, feral, mount, or serpent)
Boost I (Critical Substitution):
Boost Critical I (Entangled)
Noncombat Buff II (Health):
Sigil of Power II
Locate I: Class Contact
Locate Ritualist I (Uncommon)
Level 4:
Boosts I:
Boost Armor I
Negate Terrain II:
Negate Terrain II (Windy)
Movement II (Group: In Combat):
Flash of Air II (Movement: Group)
Healing II (Negative Damage: Out of Combat):
Targeted Healing II (Slow)
Training I:
Quickening I: +1 on Initiative
Enhanced Senses I:
+10% to perception (innate skill)
Movement II (OOC):
Traveler's Song II
Level 5:
Training (Combat) I:
2 attacks total
Defense: (Passive) Extended Range (+20)
Protective Storm (+20) - Defense (Lethal)
Turbulent Maelstrom (+20) - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Communication II: (Animal)
Mindlink II (Animal)
Negate Terrain (Party) II:
Aura of the Windwalker II (Windy)
Detect (Karma) IV: +40 - Omens or triggers of bad karma
Read Aura IV
Terrain Creation II: (Combat: Windy)
Summon Winds II
Detect Energy Type IV:
Level 6:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Instant Buff (Communication: Negative Health Only)
Spirit Bond IV
Combat Buff II (Ally: Resistance Boost) Free +40: 1 per rest
Mantra of Purity II
Movement Bonus (OOC: Limited) +20 to OOC move (non-city) Shamans Footsteps II
Boost I:
Boost Attack I
Recovery IV (Class):
Recovery IV (Entangled)
Level 7:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Training IV (Special):
Medical IV (Animal)
Attack II (Medium - Limited):
Spirit Whip II
Buff I (Combat):
Boost Speed II
Familiar II (Attack):
Special Bonding II (Uncommon Familiar: Arctic Wolf)
Level 8:
Enhancements II:
Enhanced Constitution II: +40 Health
Ritual IV (Blessing: Limited) Protect Relative or Spirit Bonded
Ancestral Blessings IV
Familiar Ability II (Tracking: Uncommon)
Windwalker II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Leadership Stance II: (Resistance: All +10)
Spiritus Steti II
Boosts I:
Boost Critical I (Class Enemy)
Level 9:
Training (Combat) II:
3 attacks total
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Dark Starlight
Combat Detaunt II (Target Transfer):
Touch of Presidium II
Buff II (OOC - Armor Repair):
Rune of Protection II
Familiar Boost II (Alertness): +10 party alertness | +20 self
Eyes of the Wolf II
Transformation IV (Shapeshift: Animal):
Animal Spirit IV (Hawk)
Level 10:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Combat Buff I (Critical):
Boost Perfect Damage I
Creation II (Weaken Object - AOE):
Weakening Aura II
Locate I:
Locate Place I (Underground Cavern)
Debuff IV (Cause Fear):
Spirit of Vengence IV
Combat Buff IV (Offense):
Karmic Surge IV
Level 11:
Negate Terrain IV (Blinding: Party)
Eyes of the Shaman IV
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Workskin (Intelligent)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Training IV (Special):
Medical IV (Plant)
Level 12:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Familiar Attack II (AOE):
Arctic Frost II
Create II (Extradimensional Space):
Elemental Fortress II
Group Healing III (Sacrificial):
Gift of Nature III
Level 13:
Training (Combat) III:
4 attacks total
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Shapeshift IV (Animal):
Animal Spirit IV (Bear)
Stance I:
Defensive Stance I ( Armor)
Level 14:
Creation II (Weaken Object):
Karmic Dissolution II
Stance II: (Stealth)
Softstride II
Locate Place I (Sacred Tree)
Healing III (Neg Health - OOC):
Sacred Chant III
Level 15:
Cure Party II (Poison):
Dark Storm II
Healing and Cure III (Self):
Nature's Vigor III
Attack II (Extended Range):
Dharmic Arrows II
Level 16:
Crowd Control II (AOE - Personal):
Sphere of Purity II
Communication IV (Group: Telepathic):
Group Mind IV
Level 17:
Training (Combat) IV:
5 attacks total
Combat Buff II (Defensive: Support - IC):
Divine Inspiration II
Shapeshift IV (Animal):
Animal Spirit IV (Wolf)
Movement II (OOC: Hover):
Windrider II
Level 18:
Healing IV (Neg Health - IC):
Temporal Flux
Ward II (Sanctuary):
Protective Aura II
Pursuing Stance II:
Trailing Footwork II
Level 19:
Party Buff II (Perception):
Keen Senses II
Buff II (Healing - Noncombat):
Regeneration II
Bond I:
Bond I (Terrain)
Level 20:
Familiar Attack: Flanking
Wave of Heat - Flanking Attack (Fire) - Fast attacks +50 / Average +25 / Power +0
Retaliate - Flanking Attack (Non-lethal) - Fast attacks +50 / Average +25 / Power +0
Party Buff II (Alertness):
Ritual of Attention II
Support II (Defense):
Ritual of Sacrifice II
Level 21:
Group Travel III (Evac):
Ritual of Return III
Creation II (Item - Healing):
Create Healing Stones II
Shapeshift IV (Animal):
Animal Spirit IV (Tiger)
Level 22:
Divination I:
Divination I (Enemy)
Stances II: (Increase Armored Defense)
Defensive Stance II
Level 23:
Divination I (Single Action)
Read Omens I
Summoning II (Shield):
Summon Dharmic Shield II (Class)
Level 24:
Creation IV (Quake):
Groundshake IV
Terrain Creation III (Combat):
Summon Fog III
Level 25
Warding II (Movement):
Ward of Temporal Disolution II
Activate Class Totem I:
Activate Mystic Circle I
Buff II (Combat - Self):
Karmic Retribution II
26+ | nature powers / best animal and plant spells / stone spells / detect balance / good works / fortune favor / meaningful coincidence /