Common Items (25% or below) (By Slot)
Armor Slots (10):
Head: (Resistance: Intellect)
Cloth (Common): +1 Cap | +2 Cap | +3 Cap | +4 Cap | +4 Coif |+5 Cap | +5 Coif |
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Helm +0 / Rough Lamellar Helm +1 / Light Lamellar Helm +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Helm +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Mail Coif +0 / Hardened Bronze Mail Coif +1 / Iron Mail Coif +2 / Carbon Steel Mail Coif +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Barbute +0 / Hardened Bronze Barbute +1 / Iron Barbute +2 / Carbon Steel Barbute +3 /
Arms - (material coordination*)
Cloth (Common): +1 Poet's | +2 Poet's | +3 Poet's | +4 Poet's | +4 Bands |+5 Sleeves | +5 Bands |
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Sleeves +0 / Rough Lamellar Sleeves +1 / Light Lamellar Sleeves +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Sleeves +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Bracers +0 / Hardened Bronze Bracers +1 / Iron Bracers +2 / Carbon Steel Bracers +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Vambraces +0 / Hardened Bronze Vambraces +1 / Iron Vambraces +2 / Carbon Steel Vambraces +3 /
Shoulders - (material coordination*)
Cloth (Common): +1 Shawl | +2 Shawl | +3 Shawl |+4 Amice | +5 Amice
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Shoulderguards +0 / Rough Lamellar Shoulderguards +1 / Light Lamellar Shoulderguards +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Shoulderguards +3
Medium (Common): Bronze Aventail +0 / Hardened Bronze Aventail +1 / Iron Aventail +2 / Carbon Steel Aventail +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Bevor +0 / Hardened Bronze Bevor +1 / Iron Bevor +2 / Carbon Steel Bevor +3 /
Internal: (material coordination*)
Cloth (Common): +1 Doublet | +2 Doublet |+3 Doublet | +4 Doublet | +4 Corset | +5 Corset | +5 Doublet
Chest - (material coordination*)
Cloth (Common): +1 Shirt | +2 Shirt | +3 Shirt | +4 Shirt | +4 Vestment | +5 Vestament
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Vest +0 / Rough Lamellar Vest +1 / Light Lamellar Vest +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Vest +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Mail Hauberk +0 / Hardened Bronze Mail Hauberk +1 / Iron Mail Hauberk +2 / Carbon Steel Mail Hauberk +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Cuirass +0 / Hardened Bronze Cuirass +1 / Iron Cuirass +2 / Carbon Steel Cuirass +3 /
Midsection - Resistance: Strength
Cloth (Common): +1 Belt |+2 Belt |+3 Belt |+4 Belt |+4 Obi |+5 Belt |+5 Obi |
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Belt +0 / Rough Lamellar Belt +1 / Light Lamellar Belt +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Belt +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Fauld +0 / Hardened Bronze Fauld +1 / Iron Fauld +2 / Carbon Steel Fauld +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Gousset +0 / Hardened Bronze Gousset +1 / Iron Gousset +2 / Carbon Steel Gousset +3 /
Hands - Substitution (Energy Type):
Cloth (Common): +1 Handwraps | +2 Handwraps | +3 Handwraps | +4 Gloves |+4 Handwraps | +5 Gloves | +5 Handwraps
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Gloves +0 / Rough Lamellar Gloves +1 / Light Lamellar Gloves +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Gloves +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Mail Gauntlets +0 / Hardened Bronze Mail Gauntlets +1 / Iron Mail Gauntlets +2 / Carbon Steel Mail Gauntlets +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Plate Gauntlets +0 / Hardened Bronze Plate Gauntlets +1 / Iron Plate Gauntlets +2 / Carbon Steel Plate Gauntlets +3 /
Capture Globes (Common):
Thighs - (material coordination*)
Cloth (Common): +1 Pantaloons | +2 Pantaloons | +3 Pantaloons | +4 Pantaloons | +4 Leggings | +5 Leggings
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Leggins +0 / Rough Lamellar Sleeves +1 / Light Lamellar Sleeves +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Sleeves +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Chausses +0 / Hardened Bronze Chausses +1 / Iron Chausses +2 / Carbon Steel Chausses +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Greaves +0 / Hardened Bronze Greaves +1 / Iron Greaves +2 / Carbon Steel Greaves +3 /
Shins- Jumping
Cloth (Common): +1 Legwraps | +2 Legwraps | +3 Legwraps | +4 Legwraps | +4 Guards | +5 Legwraps | +5 Guards |
Light (Common):
Medium (Common):
Heavy (Common):
Feet - Speed Boost
Cloth (Common): +1 Slippers | +2 Slippers |+3 Slippers | +4 Sandals | +4 Slippers | +5 Sandals | +5 Slippers
Light (Common): Thin Lamellar Boots +0 / Rough Lamellar Boots +1 / Light Lamellar Boots +2 / Reinforced Lamellar Boots +3 /
Medium (Common): Bronze Brigandine Sabatons +0 / Hardened Bronze Brigandine Sabatons +1 / Iron Brigandine Sabatons +2 / Carbon Steel Brigandine Sabatons +3 /
Heavy (Common): Bronze Sabatons +0 / Hardened Bronze Sabatons +1 / Iron Sabatons +2 / Carbon Steel Sabatons +3 /
* Material Coordination - Upper Body - It takes all 4 slots to produce 1 effect for the group - (energy resistance)
Held (2)- Primary and Secondary (Shield or weapon)
plus Spellbooks, Martial Training Tokens, They must be on your person somewhere.
10-11) Primary - Secondary - Substitution (Energy Type)
1 Hand Blunt (+1/+2/+3): Tonfa / Jo Staff / Club / Mace / Nunchaku / Staff / Sap / Hammer / Hooked Hammer / Knuckledusters (Gauntlet) / Baton / Hanbo / Otta / Tambo / Quarterstaff / Yawara / Cestus / Tekko /
1 Hand Pierce (+1/+2/+3): Dagger / Rapier / Pick / Spiked Gauntlet / Shortspear / Spiked Shield / Spiked Chain / Hand Claws / Spiked Club / Morning Glory / Sai / Cat of Nine Tails / Parrying Dagger / Balisong (butterfly knife) / Combat knife / Dirk / Tanto /
2 Hand Slash (+1/+2/+3): Broadsword / Claymore / Flambard / Katana / Battle axe / Labrys / Halberd / Bastard Sword /
2 Hand Pierce (+1/+2/+3): Doloire /
1 Hand Slash (+1/+2/+3): Longsword / Machete / Sword / Gunsen / Kama / Tomahawk / Cutlass / Falchion / Xiphos / Gladius / Spatha / Wakizashi / Jian / Dao / Saif / Shamshir / Scimitar / Kukri / Kilij / Pata / Rapier / Saber / Schiavona / Sai / Yatagan / Bastard Sword / Bearded Axe / Ono / Sagaris / Tabar Zin / Valaska /
1 Hand Entangle (+1/+2/+3): Whip / Chain / Garotte / Chained Axe / Chained Daggers / Kusarigama / Weighted Net / Bolo / Scourge /
10-11) Both - Substitution (Energy Type) x2
Otsuchi (Siege Weapon +1)
10-11) Class Weapons - None:
Jewelry Slots: (6) Common Jewelry
Adornments: (8) (Common) None
Worn (6) - Magical Item Containers (1-50 items), Special containers (2-200 if a type), / Water / Writing (Special)
26-31) Item Containers (6)
Item: traveler's Bag (Common) / Captain's Bag (+2) / Adventurer's Pack (+3)
Salesman's Bag (Common) / Vendor's Bag (+2) / Merchant's Satchel (+3) /
Water: Sailor's Canteen (+3)
Writing (Special): Book of Silence (+3)
Attachments (3) - Climbing / Crafting Protection / Snow Travel /
32) Boot covers
Climbing: Climbing Boots +1 / Climbing Boots +2 / Climbing Boots +3
Crafting: Protective Boot Covers +1 /
Protective Boot Covers +2 /
Protective Boot Covers +3 /
Enviornmental Protection: Snow Boots +1 / Snow Boots +2 / Snow Boots +3 /
33) Glove covers
Climbing: Climbing Gloves +1 / Climbing Gloves +2 / Climbing Gloves +3
Crafting: Protective Glove Covers +1 /
Protective Glove Covers +2 /
Protective Glove Covers +3 /
Enviornmental Protection: Snow Gloves +1 / Snow Gloves +2 / Snow Gloves +3 /
34) Waist Cover -
Ranged (2) -
Dragon's Claw (Crossbow) / Spear / Javelin / Dart / Blowgun / Throwing Axe / Shuriken / Throwing Knife / Wristbow / Sling / Longbow / Short bow / Horse Bow / Recurve Bow /
Elemental Runestone / Elemental
35) Ranged Weapon
36) Ammo
Consumable (6) - Cure Health / Cure Poison / Cure Fear / Cure Disease / Water Breathing / Boost Perception (Damage Type) / Boost Perception (Invisible) / Boost Animal Friendship (feed) /
37-42) Consumable
Incendiary (6) - Candle of Protection / Pepper Bomb / Poison Detection / Smoke Bomb / Flash Bomb / Boost Perception (Invisible) / Boost Perception (Illusion) /
43-48) Incendiary