Broadsword - This sword has a blade that is heavy, straight, and double-edged. It has a plain cross hilt, accompanied by an outer ring. The hilt is wrapped in hide and the blade has well faded symbols that resemble Elven designs.
Effect: It is designed for both cutting (Slashing) and thrusting (piercing) but primarily for slashing.
Power and Efficiency: PL2-3 (30%)
Number per Unit: 1
Aura: Natural
Slot: Held - One handed
Type: Weapon
Value and Rarity: V- 6 Ru / R - Common
Weight: 2.0 lbs
Magical Mark: Elven Army / White Moon / Sylvis
Limits: None
Durability: 1 HP per 1%
Normal Uses: Slashing and Piercing
Special Uses: None
Condition: 50%
GM Notes: