Home Item (Sage)

Ornate Glowing Pedistal Ornate Glowing Pedistal
Efficiency: Common +3 (100c)
Slot: Slotless

Item Training: No
Quantity: 1
Type: Crafting Material
Value (x2) / Rarity (x1): 12 Ru

Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Common

Creator: Sage
Aura: Uncommon / Regional
Magical Mark: None

Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Library Search: (One hour) (At Will) | Summon books (on activation)| Send back books (on activation)
Special Uses: None
Limits: 10,000 books | Home Only | must own books |
Effect: When activated it searches an entire library for any word or phrase that you choose.

Critical: +0%

Description: This crystal pedistal holds a blue stone that lights up with bright white and blue light when activated. The light lands on any book or books with the word or phrase inside and then teleports those books to the pedestal.
: Caution must be used particularly in a large library because summoning books based on large vague searches can end up flooding the area around the pedestal with hundreds or thousands of books preventing them from being sent back until the pedestal is dug out.

GM Notes
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