Artificer's Crafting Materials

Empowered Gem empowered gem
Efficiency: Common +5 (100c)
Slot: Slotless

Item Training: Crafting (Common)
Quantity: 1
Type: Crafting Material
Value (x2) / Rarity (x1): 2 Pa

Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Common

Creator: Jeweler
Aura: Uncommon / Regional
Magical Mark: None

Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Crafting Materials: Item Creation (At Will)
Special Uses: None
Limits: None
Effect: None

Critical: +0%

Description: This large flawless gem is cut in many facets and etched with runes of power. It is used by crafters to create items or make them easier to work with.

GM Notes
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