Sage's Crafting Materials

Acidbane acidbane
Efficiency: Common +5 (100c)
Slot: Slotless

Item Training: No
Quantity: 4
Type: Crafting Material
Value (x2) / Rarity (x1): 2 Pa

Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Common

Creator: Sage
Aura: Common / Regional
Magical Mark: None

Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Crafting Materials: Acid Resistance (At Will)
Special Uses: None
Limits: None
Effect: None

Critical: +0%

Description: This green glowing potion can be added into magical armor or weapons upon their crafting to give them the acidbane property which gives them immunity to all common acids and reduced damage from uncommon acid or acid attacks. When it comes into contact with acid it glows green.

GM Notes
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