Metallurgist's (Funerary Token)

Funerary Tokens funerary token
Efficiency: Uncommon +6 (100c)
Slot: Face

Item Training: Crafting (Uncommon)
Quantity: 2
Type: Magic Relic
Value (x2) / Rarity (x1): 8 Pa

Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Common

Aura: Uncommon / Regional
Magical Mark: Varies

Concealment: No

Normal Uses: Eases passage through Purgatory
Special Uses: None
Limits: None
Effect: None


Description: These black coins have a picture of a mountain on one side a ship crossing a wide river on the other.
: These coins are placed over the eyes of the deceased and a prayer is said to ease their journey in the next world.