Magical Lantern - This small metal lantern appears to contain a long, smooth sparkling gem inside.
Upon utterance of a command word, the crystal emits bright light of one of three sorts. Activating the gem takes a quickened or standard attack.
1) One command word causes the lantern to shed light in a 60 foot radius.
2) Another command word causes the lantern to send out a bright ray 1 foot in diameter and 50 feet long.
3) The third command word causes the gem to flare in a blinding flash of light that fills a 30-foot cone. Although this glare lasts but a moment, any creature within the cone must make a Endurance save (50) or be blinded for 1 round. This use burns out the lantern.
Power and Efficiency: PL1-30
Number per Unit: 1
Aura: Illumination
Slot: Slotless
Type: Magical Item
Value and Rarity: V- / R-
Weight: 2.0 lbs
Magical Mark: Tolan / Chapelen
Durability: 1 H per 10%
Condition: 100%
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