Magical Jewelry (Charm)
Medallion of the Cross
Efficiency: Uncommon +10 (100c)
Slot: Charm
Item Training: No
Quantity: 1
Type: Magical Charm
Value (x100) / Rarity (x2): 4 Au
Weight: 0.1 lbs
Durability: Uncommon
Aura: Uncommon
Magical Mark: Graves | Lichfield
Crafter: Jeweler (Uncommon)
Concealment: Item Invisibility II
Normal Uses: Sleep Restfully (At Will)
Special Uses: Charge (Instant): Soldier's Call: This charge negates the increase to resistance vs ambush and senses while you are sleeping. It lasts until you wake up.
Limits: 10 Charges
Effect: None
Description: This golden cross is expertly made and has a brightly polished Sunstone gem on one side and an inscription on the other. It reads "Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night"
Note: When equipping and activating the charm the person glows with red energy for one round. Activating soldiers call causes the person's left hand to be covered in ancient runes for the duration of the effect.
GM Notes: xxxx