Magical Item (Ring)
Elemental Runestone
Efficiency: Uncommon +10 (100c)
Slot: Held
Item Training: Yes
Quantity: 1
Type: Magical Weapon
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 4 Au
Weight: 0.1 lbs
Durability: Uncommon
Aura: Uncommon (Energy Type)
Magical Mark: Cerimus | Ancient Elven | High Circle
Crafter: Jeweler (Uncommon)
Concealment: Item Invisibility II
Normal Uses: Attacking (4 elements: up to 50%)
Special Uses:
Limits: One stone per person per lifetime
Effect: None
Critical: (Perfect) Upon use of a special command word revealed upon rolling a perfect score with the item you may command the stone to explode on command. When commanded the stone will give off a huge burst of elemental energy that can be seen for miles. Once commanded the stone will explode at the end of your round of initiative doing normal damage to all enemies in a 30' area and destroying the stone in the process. The energy counts as elemental type (all) meaning any elemental weakness will count as a critical weakness vs this type of powerful magic.
Description: This small egg shaped stone has a large elemental symbol inlaid in gold on each side near the center acceted with small precious stones and golden etched lines.
Note: Note:
When held it feels like it is vibrating slightly and causes the skin to tingle. Dangers: Be wary, when held by a nonproficient person the stones can misfire and may hit a random person in the range of effect or very often the person who is unfortunate enough to hold it. Once a person has misfired the stone they may hold it with no further danger of misfire but still cannot use the stone unless trained. If destroyed (-1 HP) the stone will explode doing normal AOE piercing damage to all targets in range of the stone.
GM Notes: xxxx