Medieval Fantasy RPG -


Wines - (per pint)

Berry - 1ru
Sweet - 2ru
Golden - 1pa
Red Crystal - 1g
Sunburst - 1pl

large barrel, 50 gallons 10gp 200
small barrel, 5 gallons 5gp 20
1 pint 1sp 1
Bitter, per pint 1cp 1
Almond Brandy -
1 pint 7cp 1
1 Bottle 1sp 5
Dwarven, large barrel, 50 gallons 100pp 200
Dwarven, small barrel, 5 gallons 10pp 20
Dwarven, 1 pint 1pp 1
Banquet 10gp -
Beer -
Light, 1 pint 5cp 1
Dark, 1 pint 1sp 1
Bitter Black, per pint 1sp 1
Bock, 1 pint 3sp 1
Brandy, 1 pint 10sp 1
Sharp 13sp 1
Candy 11sp 1
Cider -
Hand keg, 2 gallons 1sp 8
Cask, 12 gallons 4sp 48
Barrel, 30 gallons 1gp 120
Butt, 100 gallons 35sp 400
Tune, 250 gallons 8gp 1000

Food, Merchant's Meal 1sp -
Food, Rich Meal 1gp -

Wine -
Excellent, Large Barrel, 50 gallons 25gp 200
Fair, Large Barrel, 50 gallons 5gp 200
Excellent, Small Barrel, 5 gallons 25sp 20
Fair, Small Barrel, 5 gallons 5sp 20
Excellent, 1 gallon 5sp 4
Fair, 1 gallon 1cp 4
Wine, sour -
Per Pint 1sp 1
Wine, Spiced -
Keg, 2 gallons 4sp 8
Cask, 12 gallons 2gp 48
Barrel, 30 gallons 5gp 120
Wine, Sweet -
Per Pint 1sp 1
Whiskey -
Pint 1sp 1
Bottle 1gp 5

Ale: 1 drink per bottle. Served cold.

Blackale Silver: Normal. Average Ale. 2 cp
Blackale Gold: (+1) This ale is strong and smooth. Has a rich taste. 4 cp.
Blackale Premium: (+2) This ale is delicious and goes down light. -2 on hangover. 2 sp.
Blackale Dark: (+2) This beer has a kick. (x2 strength) and a rich dark taste. 2 sp.
Kings’ Stout Ale (+2) 2 s.p. (Full bodied beer / rich taste. Strong x 2. -2 on hangover)
Kings Dark Ale (+3) (Rich heavy intoxicating. x 3 strength ) 4 s.p
King’s Light (+4) Light. 1/2 strength. Same full taste. 8 sp.
King’s Red Ale +5 beer (No aftertaste. +4 on con for 1 hour. ) 8 g.p.
King’s Royal Ale (+6) Delicious beyond compare. (+1 on con perm. 1 time only / 800 g.p. bottle Have 4. (Dusty.) Put on ice for you.

Wines: 4 glasses per bottle. Served cold.

Redrose (Average) 16 copper.
Whiterose (Average) 16 copper.
Horseshoe (Average) Strong x 2. 20 copper. +2 on hangover.
Blue Sky (+1) 3 silver.
Silverwine +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Stone Door +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Zinfadel +3 (Light. -2 on hangover.) 25 silver a bottle
Cour du Rouge +4 (Heavy. Dinner wine. +1 to cooking. Makes meals better.) 5 gold a bottle.
Crystal Wine +5 (Bubbly. Light. Strong x 2. -4 on hangover.) 20 gold a bottle.
Royal’s Finest +6 (Delicious. Each taste is slightly different. +4 on con for 24 hours. +2 on saves vs poi. Very potent. x 5 Only need small drink. 20 smalls per bottle.) 500 gp.

Alcohol Stone River (Wine +1) – This is an extremely strong wine with a smooth taste. Checks for drunkenness are made after 1 glass, modified by con bonus and checks are –4 cumulative. 5 SD per bottle (20 drinks) +1 quality (common)

Alcohol Long Rain (Brandy +2) – This is an extremely strong brandy with a smooth taste. Checks for drunkenness are made after 1 glass, modified by con bonus and checks are –4 cumulative. 10 SD per bottle (20 drinks) +2 quality (common)

Ale: 1 drink per bottle. Served cold.

Red Pony Silver: Normal. Average Ale. 2 cp
Red Pony Gold: (+1) This ale is strong and smooth. Has a rich taste. 4 cp.
Red Pony Premium: (+2) This ale is delicious and goes down light. -2 on hangover. 2 sp.
Red Pony Dark: (+2) This beer has a kick. (x2 strength) and a rich dark taste. 2 sp.
Raven’s Stout Ale (+2) 2 s.p. (Full bodied beer / rich taste. Strong x 2. -2 on hangover)
Raven’s Dark Ale (+3) (Rich heavy intoxicating. x 3 strength ) 4 s.p
Raven’s Light (+4) Light. 1/2 strength. Same full taste. 8 sp.
Raven’s Orange Ale +5 beer (No aftertaste. +4 on con for 1 hour. ) 8 g.p.
Raven’s Royal Ale (+6) Delicious beyond compare. (+1 on con perm. 1 time only / 800 g.p. bottle Have 4. (Dusty.) Put on ice for you.

Wines: 4 glasses per bottle. Served cold.

Dragon Stout (Average) 16 copper.
White Unicorn (Average) 16 copper.
Horseshoe (Average) Strong x 2. 20 copper. +2 on hangover.
Screaming Monkey(+1) 3 silver.
Old River +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Iron Fan +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Red Label Zinfadel +3 (Light. -2 on hangover.) 25 silver a bottle
Red Label Rouge +4 (Heavy. Dinner wine. +1 to cook. Makes meals better.) 5 gold a bottle.
Red Label Icewine +5 (Bubbly. Light. Strong x 2. -4 on hangover.) 20 gold a bottle.
Raven’s Finest +6 (Delicious. Each taste is slightly different. +4 on con for 24 hours. +2 on saves vs poi. Very potent. x 5 Only need small drink. 20 smalls per bottle.) 500 gp.

Ale: 1 drink per bottle. Served cold.

Blackale Silver: Normal. Average Ale. 2 cp
Blackale Gold: (+1) This ale is strong and smooth. Has a rich taste. 4 cp.
Blackale Premium: (+2) This ale is delicious and goes down light. -2 on hangover. 2 sp.
Blackale Dark: (+2) This beer has a kick. (x2 strength) and a rich dark taste. 2 sp.
Kings’ Stout Ale (+2) 2 s.p. (Full bodied beer / rich taste. Strong x 2. -2 on hangover)
Kings Dark Ale (+3) (Rich heavy intoxicating. x 3 strength ) 4 s.p
King’s Light (+4) Light. 1/2 strength. Same full taste. 8 sp.
King’s Red Ale +5 beer (No aftertaste. +4 on con for 1 hour. ) 8 g.p.
King’s Royal Ale (+6) Delicious beyond compare. (+1 on con perm. 1 time only / 800 g.p. bottle Have 4. (Dusty.) Put on ice for you.

Wines: 4 glasses per bottle. Served cold.

Redrose (Average) 16 copper.
Whiterose (Average) 16 copper.
Horseshoe (Average) Strong x 2. 20 copper. +2 on hangover.
Blue Sky (+1) 3 silver.
Silverwine +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Stone Door +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Zinfadel +3 (Light. -2 on hangover.) 25 silver a bottle
Cour du Rouge +4 (Heavy. Dinner wine. +1 to cooking. Makes meals better.) 5 gold a bottle.
Crystal Wine +5 (Bubbly. Light. Strong x 2. -4 on hangover.) 20 gold a bottle.
Royal’s Finest +6 (Delicious. Each taste is slightly different. +4 on con for 24 hours. +2 on saves vs poi. Very potent. x 5 Only need small drink. 20 smalls per bottle.) 500 gp.

Ale: 1 drink per bottle. Served cold.

Red Pony Silver: Normal. Average Ale. 2 cp
Red Pony Gold: (+1) This ale is strong and smooth. Has a rich taste. 4 cp.
Red Pony Premium: (+2) This ale is delicious and goes down light. -2 on hangover. 2 sp.
Red Pony Dark: (+2) This beer has a kick. (x2 strength) and a rich dark taste. 2 sp.
Raven’s Stout Ale (+2) 2 s.p. (Full bodied beer / rich taste. Strong x 2. -2 on hangover)
Raven’s Dark Ale (+3) (Rich heavy intoxicating. x 3 strength ) 4 s.p
Raven’s Light (+4) Light. 1/2 strength. Same full taste. 8 sp.
Raven’s Orange Ale +5 beer (No aftertaste. +4 on con for 1 hour. ) 8 g.p.
Raven’s Royal Ale (+6) Delicious beyond compare. (+1 on con perm. 1 time only / 800 g.p. bottle Have 4. (Dusty.) Put on ice for you.

Wines: 4 glasses per bottle. Served cold.

Dragon Stout (Average) 16 copper.
White Unicorn (Average) 16 copper.
Horseshoe (Average) Strong x 2. 20 copper. +2 on hangover.
Screaming Monkey(+1) 3 silver.
Old River +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Iron Fan +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 silver a bottle.
Red Label Zinfadel +3 (Light. -2 on hangover.) 25 silver a bottle
Red Label Rouge +4 (Heavy. Dinner wine. +1 to cook. Makes meals better.) 5 gold a bottle.
Red Label Icewine +5 (Bubbly. Light. Strong x 2. -4 on hangover.) 20 gold a bottle.
Raven’s Finest +6 (Delicious. Each taste is slightly different. +4 on con for 24 hours. +2 on saves vs poi. Very potent. x 5 Only need small drink. 20 smalls per bottle.) 500 gp.