Medieval Fantasy Items (Eternus)

medieval plate armor heavy mailHounskull - A hounskull is a large metal helm with a peaked design that covers the entire head. It has a pointed face and head with an attached visor that can be raised when out of combat. Two slits allows for unrestricted vision while ventillation holes shaped like small holes either on the right side with additional holes near the mouth, or on both sides of the lower helm.

Note: This design is was once very popular with the knighs of the court and still is popular with some knights but it is becoming out of fashion with many who prefer the armet or other helm choices.

Optional (Crest): A small crest or other metal decoration may be added to the back or sides of the helm to identify the combatant on the field of battle.

Equipping: (Strap) A Hounskull is equipped by two metal flaps that attach to the chest armor..