Artificer: An Artificer is a master of magical things but what is most unique is his approach which is more like a mechanic than a wizard. They test and probe items to find out how they react with each other and then use those reactions to for unique items such as tattoos, portals, and many other unique items.
Forge Tools: All eight sets of tools are needed by all crafters.
Forge Tools (Artificer): |
Artificer (Common):
05% (+1) Forge Tools (Artificer: Common)
05% (+1) Essence of Divine Flame (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
05% (+1) Purified Water (Material: Drinking or Crafting)
05% (+1) Lesser Headband of the Silver Cross (Healing: Neg)
05% (+1) Hunting Gear (Profession: Hunter)
05% (+1) Phylactery of the Healer (Held: Detect Disease)
10% (+2) Rod of Lightning (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
10% (+2) Signal Stones (Consumable: Boost Distance Communication)
10% (+2) Silver Salt (Consumable: Purify Food | Sustinance)
10% (+2) Cotton Ghostweave Cloak (Resist Possession +10)
10% (+2) Sigil of Protection (Increase Resistance: Supernatural +10)
10% (+2) Display Case (Crafting and Gathering: 200 items)
15% (+3) Arcane Crystal Powder (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
15% (+3) Chime of Reclamation (Chime: Memory Recovery)
15% (+3) Charm of the Shadowsong (Charm: Extraplanar Riding +10)
15% (+3) Mystical Silver Mirror (Crafting: Regional)
15% (+3) Rough Portal Stone (Crafting: Portal Stone)
15% (+3) Hourglass of Temporal Ebb (Detect: Temporal Magic)
20% (+4) Prayer Cloth (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
20% (+4) Liquid Crystal Resin (Crafting: Increase Durability)
20% (+4) Magical Bathworks (Home: Collectable)
20% (+4) Perfect Glass Globe (Crafting: Globe of the Watchful)
20% (+4) Rough Planar Crystal (Crafting: Ancestral Guardian)
20% (+4) Red Moss Oil (Crafting: Fuel Stabilizer)
25% (+5) Prayer Book (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
25% (+5) Etherial Butterfly (Detect Planar Veil: Long Range)
25% (+5) Birchwood Potion (+25 to stealth vs evil 10% or under)
25% (+5) Perfect Crystal Orb (Crafting: Ritualist)
25% (+5) Artist's Ink (Profession: Painting)
25% (+5) Amulet of the Storyteller (Charm: Storytelling)
Artificer (Uncommon):
30% (+6) Tiger Tattoo (Uncommon: Poison Detection)
30% (+6) Holy Symbol Tattoo (Disease Protection +20)
30% (+6) Globe of the Watchful (Charm: Alertness - One terrain)
30% (+6) Forge Tools II (Artificer)
30% (+6) Sender's Cloaks (Item Teleport)
30% (+6) Magical Ink I
30% (+6) Headband of the Silver Cross (Boost Healing: Neg)
30% (+6) Essence of Pure Water (Mystical)
35% (+7) Silk Ghostweave Cloak (Resist Possession +20)
35% (+7) Magical Ink II
35% (+7) Headband of the Silver Cross II
35% (+7) Hunter's Mask (Ambush Bonus: One Biome)
35% (+7) Holy Symbol Tattoo (Increase Resistance: Supernatural +20)
35% (+7) Globe of the Watchful (Charm: Alertness - Two terrains)
35% (+7) Safeguard Portal (Alignment Detection | security system: home only)
35% (+7) Antique Display Case (Crafting and Gathering: 2500 items)
40% (+8) Portal Stone (Charm: Access to Astral Gate)
40% (+8) Collar of Storing
40% (+8) Chain of Protection (Relieve Magic Weakness)
40% (+8) Whisper Symbol Tattoo (Threat reduction)
40% (+8) Globe of the Watchful III (Charm: Alertness - Three terrains)
40% (+8) Headband of the Silver Cross III (Boost Healing: Neg)
40% (+8) Magical Ink III
40% (+8) Sacred Oil (Crafting and Lamp of Spirit Protection)
45% (+9) White Lotus Tattoo (Boost Divination)
45% (+9) Astral Medallion (head: +20 planar adaptation)
45% (+9) Mystical Urn (Warding Component)
45% (+9) Dragons Eye Charm (Resist Critical: One damage type)
45% (+9) Globe of the Watchful IV (Charm: Alertness - Four terrains)
45% (+9) Headband of the Silver Cross IV (Boost Healing: Neg)
45% (+9) Magical Ink IV
45% (+9) Funerary Mask (Burial and Talk to Dead; on deceased)
50% (+10) Exorcist's Box
50% (+10) Orb of the Astral Gate (Charm: teleport - home only)
50% (+10) Mystical Powder (Warding)
50% (+10) Dragon Spirit Tattoo (Second Resistance)
50% (+10) Globe of the Watchful V (Charm: Alertness - Five terrains)
50% (+10) Magical Ink V
50% (+10) Headband of the Silver Cross V (Boost Healing: Neg)
50% (+10) Mask of the Watcher (Find Secret Passages)