Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Scimitar of the Ruby Dragon (Slashing PL5-50) - This small glowing sword has a red ruby in the pommel that lightly hums with a ancestral power. The sheath is black wood with a dragon carved into it and the handle is made of silk wrapped ivory. When used in combat a glowing ruby dragon appears on the blade and red flashes of light are left behind when swung.

Note: The PL part tells you that it scales up to PL5 and the last number tells you its quality level (50%). It would be usable by any character with a natural ability of 50% or higher could get the full 50% from it. At PL6 or level 21 it would stop increasing in power so a character might want a different weapon at that point with more damge if possible.

Magical Spell PL and Character PL: Magical items, weapons, armor and etc can only be tapped so deeply by characters without the proper skill or training. A player can’t use the full powers of an item that is higher PL than his current PL but can use up to their level in power from the item until you increase in level enough to tap its full potential.

Example: A level 2 (PL 1) warrior finds a PL5 dragon blade that is imbued with three powers for example. Look familiar?

Scimitar of the Ruby Dragon (Slashing PL5-50) - This small glowing sword has a red ruby in the pommel that lightly hums with a power. The sheath is black wood with a dragon carved into it and the handle is made of silk wrapped ivory. When used in combat a glowing ruby dragon appears on the blade and red flashes of light are left behind when swung.

Power: PL3 - Increase damage once per round (+40 damage)
Power: PL4 - Increase hit bonuses once per round (+10 to hit)
Power: PL5 - Recover health once per round (20 SP)

For now the warrior will be unable to use any of the powers but can use the item as a PL2 slashing weapon up to 50% efficiency. Eventually at PL3 he will be able to use the increased damage power as well. At PL4 he can access the bonuses to hit. At PL5 or higher the player can tap into all of its powers and bonuses.