Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Breads (Common - 1 day) - Breads are sold in small round loaves wrapped in cloth and tied by a string.

Black - 2.5sp - Nice sweet dark bread made with molasses.
Bleached - 4sp - A colorful novelty w/ less nutritional value.
Corn - lb 3sp - A very thick and dry bread, but tasty w/ certain meals.
Hard-tack - 5cp - Very bland, flour and dough unseasoned biscuit, small round discs of 12 packed in a small sack. (not wise to consume for long periods as a diet)
Pita - 9sp - Medium hollowed pockets of bread, 6 in a unit.
Tortilla - 8sp - Flat round discs, 12 in a unit.
Wheat - 1.8sp - The staple of breads.

Breads (Specialty - 1day) - Specialty breads are some of the more common rare bread products available. Many more exist throughout the realms but these can normally be found in large cities.

Crackers .5 lb 5sp Small delightful tidbit of seasoned bread (onion, garlic, cinnamon,
Peppered, and garlic). These are sold 3 dozen to a package.

Elven .25 lb 2gp Outstanding bread-roll w. nutritional paste spreads folded w/in. They
Can be purchased w/ Vegetable, herb-spice, fruit, cinnamon or
peppered meat spreads, and tasty curried fills. One loaf will serve an
individual for 2 days.

Fruitcake 3.6 lb 10gp These specialties flavored in rum, brandy, or other preferred beverage,
come from the Pirate Isles; studded w/ dried fruits (dates, citron,
currants, raisins, cherries, and more) and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, and
filberts). Stored in small tins, which help to preserve them, a fruitcake
will last a person for 4 days and is considered highly nutritious.

Meatsurprise 2.8 lbs 2.8sp Lg. Fold of cooked bread (corn or wheat) stuffed w/ spicy meat pastes.
Lasts for two days, a complete days worth of nutrition.

Noodles 1 lb 15gp Specialties, unfit for hazardous adventuring, but available.
(Aurora’s Guide pg. 120).

Pumpernickel 3 lbs 3.2sp A fine delight, fitting noble station. A very pungent and harsh bread
Requiring one to build a liking for. Sold in a square loaf.

Rye 1.87 lbs 2.7sp A bread developed by the gods, this delight is often reserved to
compliment another dish. Its special blend of seasoning enhances some
of the more satiable tastes of prepared dishes. Tastes great by itself,
normally served in a large ball.

Sourdough .75 lb 15sp Served in a round loaf, a rare bread not easy to prepare.

Sugardough .75 lb 19sp This bread is just sourdough sprinkled generously w/ sugar and