Gathering Items (Overview)

gathering items from a caveGathering Items: Most gathering items are self-made by the gathering class themselves. Unlike crafting professions gathering professions only need their own set.

Gathering Tools (Chemicals): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Fibers): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Herbs): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Jewels): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Lumber): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Metal, Hard): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Metal. Soft): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Mystical): | Common | Uncommon |
Gathering Tools (Stone): | Common | Uncommon |

Gathering Bonus Items: Metallurgists make the an item that can aid in gathering but it is rather expensive for beginning characters. 30% (+6) Crude Steel Pickaxe (Gathering Boost)