Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Gem Tools - A Jeweler should always have the most basic of jeweing tools, a mortar and pestle, a jewelers hammer, a polishing cloth, diamond tipped burrs, Mineral Oxides, emery powder, water, polishing skin, and a wetstone.

Diamond tipped jewers auger (hand revolving drill) -

Mineral Oxide - This sparkling liquid is created by alchemists and used by jewelers to polish gems and stones and to make it them easier to work with. (+10)

Water -

Wetstone - A Hard sandstone for grinding down stones to a basic shape.

Morter and Pestle - This tool is used to grind up gemstones to make powdered gems, which in turn can be used for alchemy or sold to casters.

Note - Some Gemsmiths use their mortal and pestle to create ground herbs or pepper, cinnamon and other spices for the use of cooks or in potions.

Emory Powder - This sparkling powder is made by and used by jewelers to smoothe and polish gems and stones of up to +1 to make it them easier to work with. It is compose of ground up gems. Made from powdered gemstones and is of decreasing coarseness to polish the stones. (+10)

Morter and Pestile - This stone item is created and used by jewelers to crush gems and aid in creating items of up to +1 to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Polishing Cloth - Made of soft material and used to polish the stone to a fine sheen. This cloth is rough on one side and very soft on the other. It is created by tailors and used by jewelers to create items of up to +1 to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Diamond Tipped Burr - This small diamond tipped tool is created by a metalworker and used by jewelers to create items of up to +1 and to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Divine Orb - This sparkling orb is created by atrificers and used by Artificers to prevent the depletion of their magic and help in creating items of up to +1 and to make them them easier to work with. (+10)