Class Fist Weapon (Azza)

weapon slashing azzaAzza: (Class: Slashing / Two-handed) The azza is a type of polearm with a wooden haft and an axe-head on the end. Each weapon is custom made to be the exact height of the wielder. There is a dagger blade that projects from the top of the head and another from the hilt. There is also a round hilt-like disc called a rondelle that is placed just below the head of the weapon. There are rings along the pole's length to prevent the wielder's hands from slipping. It is similar to a halberd but has a smaller head and a few other differences.

Range: Medium

Armati: This weapon can only be used by an Armati.

Equipping: This weapon is equipped in two hands by pulling the weapon from it's sling worn over the shoulder.

Creation: Armati Only