Entangling Weapons - Bullwhip

entangling bullwhipBullwhip (Entangling: One-handed) The Bullwhip is a flexible single-tailed leather whip made of woven pieces of specially treated hide or other woven materials with a sharp hooked metal tip. There is a handle at one end allowing for expert control of the weapon.

Note: A variant exists for corporal punishment that leaves off the metal tip making the weapon do much less damage.

Note: The Bullwhip is a popular weapon with people who raise cattle because the weapon can be used to steer them away from an area by cracking the whip forcefully. It is also favored by many other types or combatants.

Range: Medium

Equipping: A Bullwhip is equipped in one hand by removing the item from its waist clip by the handle.

Creation: Tailor