Slashing Weapons - Throwing Axe

weapon slashing throwing axeThrowing Axe (Slashing: One-handed) The Throwing Axe has a arch-shaped head that gets wider toward the cutting edge. There is an exaggerated point at both the upper and lower corners.

Critical Offense: This weapon can offer an advantage in combat by increasing its damage on a critical strike.

Critical Defense: When parrying this weapon activates a healing power that increases the wielder's health.

Special (Returning): This weapon returns each time it is thrown even if the attacker fumbles it.

Note: The Throwing Axe was popular with the ancient nobles of Eternus. Many fighters and other still favor this versatile thrown blade.

Range: Long

Equipping: A throwing axe is equipped in one hand by pulling the blade from the scabbard by the handle.

Special: (Blades of the Order of Regis): Many of the ancient Throwing Axes that turn up frequently across eternus are known as Blades of the Order of Regis etched with the seals of the ancient houses for which they are created. A complete and surviving record of these houses is unavailable so these blades are often valuable to collectors and historians.

Creation: Metallurgist