Fair Folk: Fair folk are phantasmal, spectral winged elves best known for the "wild hunt" when during a full moon they form a large spontaneous group including hounds and horses and pursue their mortal enemies, the lost souls of the evil dead. These lost souls are often controlled or manipulated by other more powerful dead creatures to attack in large groups called "dead swarms" prompting a call to arms by the armies of the fair folk.
Mortals getting in the path of a dead swarm or following the Hunt could be kidnapped by the lost souls and brought to the land of the dead.
Red Moon:
Sometimes during the red moon people's spirits can be drawn out while they are sleeping to join the onslaught. This can be particularly dangerous for them and in these cases often fair folk that would not normally join the hunt do so on this night.
Physical: Fair Folk have slightly translucent skin that shimmers with soft glowing colors around the edges. Their eyes can be many color but they are always brightly sparkling. Their wings are thin and multicolored and almost completely translucent until they become capable of flight at which time they become one solid color.
Architecture: Fair Folk make their homes inside of the Otherworld, a magical land that can only be entered with their permission. The entrances are usually in natural places such as the tops of large trees, in caverns under rolling hills, in Deru burial mounds, or in hidden caverns under the sea, where they use their magic to create soft glimmering portals that lead to large extradimensional spaces connected by magical portals and extradimensional passages. They are often found living with or near Deru but have been known to make communities in extremely remote places as well.
Capital: White Moon
Customs: The wild hunt is the most important social ritual. People of high social rank choose the people who are allowed to go on the hunt. It is the highest social honor and one that always has heavy competition. Just one member of a family on a very important hunt could mean the success of the entire family for a generation.
Trees: They never cut living trees unless they are diseased beyond saving and when they do cut them they make sure that no part goes to waste. If the tree is important to the ecology they traditionally take a vow to return within one year and replace them with a tree of greater value to the lands.
Dress: They dress in beautiful clothes made from interwoven plant fibers. The clothes usually feature natural fibres with subtle and constantly changing colors that are edged with white bands stitched with Elven symbols. A biodag is almost always worn on the right side. (See heritage weapon)
Enemies: Gobling
Etiquette: When someone has shown you a great kindness is it customary to answer that kindness with a note of thanks and a small gift such as flower, weapon, or a rare seashell, and return of the favor as soon as possible. Fair Folk take oaths very seriously and never make one unless they are sure that they can keep it. They value loyalty and truth and seek to keep the laws of the land as long as they are just.
Faction Tokens: Glowing Gems
Favored Weapon: Biodag
Foods: Fair Folk favor typical Elven fare as well as uncommon and better human spirits which have little effect on them but which taste amazing to their palate.
Goals: Protector of Elven burial grounds, defender of the weak, caretaker of the world of the dead; the Fair Folk area intermediaries between the world of the spirit and the world of elves. They are the keepers and guardians of the largest and oldest burial grounds of the forest. They revere nature and seek to do battle with the corrupting forces of evil that are enemies to the natural world and to protect the balance of nature and defend those who respect it.
A Fair Folk Elf goes on a spirit walk at the request of the tribe and wanders the remote places of the earth so that they may learn the ways of the outside world and to do battle with those that seek to harm their homeland. Once they have heard the call of nature urging them to return home they return to the tribe and are rewarded. They love to explore new forests and new lands, and it's not unusual for individuals or small bands to wander hundreds of miles from their homelands.
Government: Fair Folk Elven tribes are led by a noble court that is overseen by the Oberon. The current members of the court choose from among the members of the tribe to replace them on the council and the Oberon chooses the best member of the council to be his replacement. Every member of the Elven tribe has the potential to rise to nobility and from there to be Oberon despite the circumstances of their birth. To gain notice of the court you must perform heroic deeds that aid or assist the cause of nature and therefore the tribe.
History: Fair Folk have a long a colorful history and have been in existence for many great turns.
Holidays: Every day is a holiday for the Fair Folk. Each holiday honors a different type of sacred tree. One tree of the type honored should be planted whenever possible during the holiday.
Holy Places: All of the Fair Folk holy places are sacred trees.
Languages: Fair Folk, Elven, Common
Laws: Laws are decided by the council and are similar to those in most good territories.
Leader: Oberon Woden
Magic Type: Rebirth
Place of Origin: Eternus
Rituals: There are many different rituals associated with sacred trees.
Symbols: Belts with a person or saints name on the buckle and symbol engraved on the other are important icons of the culture.
Weakness (Blightwalker Energy Type): Animation