Medieval Fantasy RPG

Call to Arms II
Style: Endurance / Martial
Efficiency: Unique
Critical: Rare (81-00)
Attack Bonus: Efficiency +10
Damage: Slashing (2 Handed)
Ability Type: Slashing Large II
Range: AOE (50’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: AOE
Focus: One weapon of sufficient quality and PL
Target: Qualifying Enemies
Resistance: No
Uses: Armati Only
Limits: Once per combat

Effect: You let out a cry to arms rallying your party to strike with increased vigor and spark your weapons together to produce a shower of sparks to damage the enemy. AOE II (Large Slashing II) / +10 to party criticals for next attack (including self) within the same round

Note: This power only effects party members with attacks left in the round so it is best used when you win initiative on your party members.

Attacks AOE: (Large Slashing - Lethal)
+50/2 - Rapid Call II
+25/3 - Call of Stamina II
+0/4 - Call of Power II

Attacks AOE II: Vigor - Non-lethal
+50/2 - Call of the Siren II
+25/3 - Call of the Brave II
+0/4 - Call of Honor II