Armati Class Powers
Armati Powers (PC1) List by Level
Level 1:
Enhancement IV (Alertness): +80 alertness
Watchful Gaze IV
Cloth Shield II:
Cloth Armor II:
Medium Slashing Weapon II
Stance (Covering) II:
Take Cover II
Training II (Class Weapon):
Lightning Infused Spadone of Eternal Vigor
Slashing Attack II (Touch) +20% damage
Flash of Steel II
Enhancements V:
Enhanced Constitution V: +100 Health
Defense: AOE
Window Guard - Defense (Lethal)
Longa Guard - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Read Aura:
100% - Detect PL (Free)
100% - Detect Soul (Free)
100% - Detect Alignment (Free)
Noncombat Buff IV (Fumble Protection):
Keen Eye IV
Level 2:
Stances I: (Attack) +10 attack
Offensive Stance I
Stance IV (Quick Movement: Forward): Free Action
Great Step IV
Detect Energy Type IV:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Enhancements II (Senses): +40
Observant II
Limited Attack IV (Close): +100% damage
Coulé IV
Summon II (Limited):
Summon Class Weapon II (Lightning Infused Spadone of Eternal Vigor)
Level 3:
Combat Training (Close Attack) II: +10 critical
Shield Strike II
Locate Direction (North) II:
Gain Your Bearing II
Recovery II (Effect):
Recovery (Knockback) II
Tactics Enhancement I: +10 tactics
Mind of the Warrior I
Detect Energy (Type) IV:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Ravager (Intelligent)
Level 4:
Combat Buff II (Party): +2 Damage (1 Round)
Aura of Vigor II
Limited Attack II (AOE): +20 self | +10 party critical
Call to Arms II
Training II (Class Weapon):
Roundel Dagger II
Flanking Attack II: +20 critical
Nimble Thrust II
Close Attack II (Sacrificial - Limited)
Coup de Main II
Stances I: (Increase Armor Defense)+10
Defensive Stance I
Boosts I: +5 to defensive
Boost Armor I
Increase Armor II (Ally - Limited): Free action +40 Armor (1A)
Crucibus II
Level 5:
Training (Combat) I:
2 attacks total
Boost I:
Boost Critical (Knockback) I
Emergency Healing II (Self):
Omniscient Nostrum II
Taunt Single Enemy III:
Stramazzone III
Training (Prone Fighting) II: +40
Unterhalten II
Quick Move (Boost: Back) IV:
Backstep IV
Identify Item I (Warriors Totem): +20
Wisdom of the Warrior I
Level 6:
Boost I:
Boost Attack I
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Flowing Energy
Special Detect (Weapons) IV:
Arms Inspection IV
Combat Training (Counter Attack) II:
Counter II
Attack (Special) II: Requires Movement
Hawk Dive II
Level 7:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Chromandi - (Random)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Ebbing Weakness
Increased Critical II (Special - Enemy in negs): +10
Pressing Attacks II
Identify (Appraisal - Art) II:
Art Aficionado II
Increased Critical/Perfect II (Self): 1R
Rage IV
Attack (Flanking) II (+40 critical): 1C
Targeted Weakness II
Level 8:
Combat Buff (Ally) II: Free Action - +40 resistance - 1R
Enduring Spirit II
Defense II: Extended Range (Only) +20
Two-Horn Guard - Defense (Lethal)
Crown Guard - Defense (Non-Lethal)
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Stance (Resistance: Endurance) IV
Hanging Guard IV
Quick Move (Free: Front) IV:
Quick Change IV
Cure Poison (Group) III: +30 - IC
Dilute Venom III
Level 9:
Training (Combat) III:
3 attacks total
Enhancement II (Conceal Wounds): +40
Bloodless Apparition II
Weapon Training II (Class - Poleaxe):
Azza II
Medium Range Large Entangling Attack II:
Hooking Thrust II
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Skelbog (Random)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Performance II (Increase Influence - Charm):
Flourish II
Level 10:
Negate Terrain (Slippery) IV
Solid Footwork IV
Enhancement II (Resist Fear): +20
Fearless II
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Leadership Stance II:
Prowling Stance II
Class Weapon Training (Fist) II:
Armored Gauntlet II
Blunt Touch Attack (Limited) II: +16 att / 81+ crit
Backhand II
Level 11:
Boost II: Class Enemy (+20)
Boost Critical II
Profession Bonus (Artistic) II: +10
Gifted II
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Nightmare - (Intelligent)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Attack II (Chosen Enemy):
Flash of Sparks II
Level 12:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Enhancement II (Strength Resistance): +10
Devoted Training II
Long Blunt Attack II: (81+ critical)
Draconic Recitation II
Training II: (Language)
Draconic Language II
Level 13:
Training (Combat) III:
4 attacks total
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Corpse Eater - (Random)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Locate Contact (Trainer) II:
Martial Guidance II
Medium Slashing Attack III (Touch) +30% damage
Flash of Steel III
Level 14:
Energy Substitution IV: (detect 100%)
Restorative Aid
Recovery III (Effect):
Recovery (Knockback) III
Attack (Special) II: Requires Movement
Serpent Strike II
Combat Buff IV (Resist Poison): Armati - Immune / P +40
Purified Essence IV
Level 15:
Detect Enemy IV: (Free Action)
Bonecaller - (Intelligent)
Detect Magic (Type) IV:
Baleful Toxins
Locate II: Class Contact
Locate Armati II (Rare)
Level 16:
Combat Training (Close Attack) III: +12 attack
Shield Strike III
Increase Armor II (Ally - Limited): Free - 1 attack +60 Armor
Crucibus III
Expert Combatant III: Gain +15 on all attack rolls in a duel.
Level 17:
Training (Combat) IV:
5 attacks total
Flanking Attack III: +50 critical
Nimble Thrust III
Feign Death II: (Negs Only)
Death Aura II
Combat Training (Counter Attack) III:
Counter III
Level 18:
Combat Buff (Ally) III: Free Action - +60 resistance - 1R
Enduring Spirit III
Identify (Appraisal - Art) III: +60
Art Aficionado III
Blunt Touch Attack (Limited) III: +20 to hit (1R)
High Kick III
Level 19:
Close Attack III (Sacrificial - Limited)
Coup de Main III
Performance III (Increase Influence - Charm):
Flourish III
Stances II: (Attack)
Offensive Stance II
Level 20:
Personal Detaunt II: IC
Withdraw II
Emergency Healing II (Ally):
Renewed Vigor II
Enhancement (Influence III): +30 flatter
Endless Flattery III
Level 21:
Attack: Lancing Strike II (Finishing Move)
+40 hit/120 damage +class effect (Knockback II) on critical and fear II on perfect
Long Blunt Attack III: (71+ critical)
Draconic Recitation III
Training III: (Language)
Draconic Language III
Enhancement (Search) II: +20
Watchful Eye II
Level 22:
Stances II: (Increase Armored Defense)
Defensive Stance II
Enhancement (Physical Recovery) III: +30%
Tireless Effort III
Level 23:
Combat Training (AOE Attack) III: +12
Dragon Chant III
Use Item II (Class):
Coin of the Order II
Level 24:
Recovery IV (Effect):
Recovery (Knockback) IV
Limited Attack V: +125% damage
Coulé V
Level 25:
Medium Slashing Attack IV (Touch) +40% damage
Flash of Steel IV
Activate Class Totem I:
Activate Lightning Node I
Level 29: Rare (PL8)
Rare Skill Tree (Nicia): Stealth | Pursuit | Climb | Disguise |
Close Attack III (Sacrificial - Limited)
Coup de Main IV
Blunt Touch Attack (Limited) III: +20 to hit (1R)
High Kick IV
Attack (Special) II: Requires Movement
Hawk Dive III
Combat Training (Close Attack) IV: +16 attack
Shield Strike IV