Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Hawk Dive II
Style: Endurance / Martial
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Special (51-00)
Attack Bonus: +10
Damage Bonus: +20%
Ability Type: Piercing Large II
Range: Close (5’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: Free
Focus: Spadone
Target: Qualifying Enemy
Uses: Armati Only / 1 per combat
Limits: This downward cut must be made as if striking down like a hawk or other bird of prey. Remember you must move down and towards an enemy to use this strike so he has to be on low terrain or you need to be near a solid object that will allow you to do a wall jump. This is no love tap so no fast attacks will not work.

Note: A critical miss results in a hard landing that requires a fall recovery to prevent normal fall damage.

Attacks: Large Piercing II (Longsword II)
Critical Effect: Knockback II

Attacks Line: (Large Pierce - Lethal)
+40/42 - Soft Landing II
+20/84 - Hard Landing II
+0/168 - Direct Hit II

Attacks Line II: Flowing Energy
+40/42 - Flowing Strike II
+20/84 - Flowing Concussion II
+0/168 - Devastating Flow II