Items (Equipped: By Slot)

Equipped Items: equipped items eternus(Nicia Mowbray)

Armor Bonus (10):
Total Armor Bonus: +85
Shield Bonus: +7
Movement Bonus: +25
Magical Buff: +0
Divine Protection: +0
Misc. Bonuses: +0
Planar Protection: +0

Armor by Slot (Medium): Silk Armor
Head: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Shouders: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Arms: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Chest: (+7) Cloth
(Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Internal: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Midsection: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Hands: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Thighs: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Shins: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None
Feet: (+7) Cloth (Item and Style) | Attachment: None

Held (2): Secondary and Primary or Both
Both (Right and Left): (Attack: 2H Weapon)
Secondary (Left): Shield of the Southern Kingdoms +10 (Shield)
Primary (Right): Lightning Infused Spadone of Eternal Vigor +7 (ad: Razor Gem)| Roundel +7 (ad: Razor Gem)|

Jewelry Slots (6): Bonding (24 Hours)
Ears (Both): None
Finger (Left): Ring of Agility (+7) +20 agility resistance
Finger (Right): Ring of Destined Fate +10
Neck Item:
Necklace of the Nightwalker +5 |
Waist Item: None
Wrists (One): None

Adornments (10): Bonding (24 Hours) | Except Charm
Ancestral Totem: None
Back: None
Charm: (E)
Mystical Knotwork +7 | (S) Moonlight Dragon Charm +10 | Headband of the Silver Cross +10 |
Travel (OOC): Horse Statuette +6 (60% move OOC)
Movement: (Stored) Wanders Cloak +6 (Safefall/Levetation) | (E) Magicians Cloak +8 |
Class Totem: None
Collar: None
Face: None
Forehead: Lesser Headband of the Silver Cross +1
Tattoo: None

Attachments (3): Attachment takes 1 Attack
Boot covers: Climbing Spikes I (Both) +10
Glove covers: Climbing Claws I (Both) +10
Waist covers: None

Ranged (2):
Ranged Weapon: (Both): Hira Shuriken (Attack: Weapon) +7
Attachment (Range): Rune of Returning (+6)
Ammo: Sheath (UC: 80): 3 each: Specialty | 1: Treasurefinder |

Consumable (4):
Magical Food: None | None |
Magical Drink: Healing Potion +7 | Healing Potion +5 |

Incendiary (1):
Smoke Bomb +8 (Uncommon)

Carried Items (6): Nicia Mowbray (Carried)