Draconic Recitation II
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon (91-00)
Critical Bonus: +10
Damage: +0
Ability Type: Endurance / Verbal
Range: Long (100’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: One 5' square
Focus: One fighting guild token II
Target: One creature or object
Resistance: No
Evil Only /
Effect: The Grandmasters taught us the importance of the four virtues. The Wolf teaches us watchfulness, the Tiger conveys speed, the Lion instills courage, and the Dragon empowers us with strength. The fourth lesson is the Dragon. In order to perform this attack you must forget about the exterior and look within yourself. Focus all your energy as you speak the ancient words of the dragons and direct your energy at the enemy that he may feel the pain of his own evil.
Attacks II: (Long - Small Piercing)
(Crit 81+) +35 vs class enemy
Attacks Long: (Large Blunt - Lethal or Nonlethal)
+60/20 - Draconic Recitation II
+40/30 - Dragon's Plea II
+20/60 - Dragon's Prayer II
+0/120 - Direct Intervention II