Serpent Strike II
Style: Endurance / Martial
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon (91-00)
Attack Bonus: +0
Damage Bonus: +0
Ability Type: Piercing Small II
Range: Flank (0’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Focus: Rondel
Target: Qualifying Enemy
Uses: Armati Only / 1 per combat
Limits: This upward stabbing attack must be made as if striking upwards like a serpent. Remember you must tumble towards an enemy from behind them to use this strike so the floor between you must be relatively smooth and empty.
By attacking vital areas you can release the natural poisons in the body. This is no tap on the shoulder so no fast attacks will work.
Attacks: Small Piercing II (Rondel II) / Poison II / 91+
Attacks Line: (Small Pierce - Lethal)
+40/42 - Serpent Strike II
+20/84 - Coiled Strike II
+0/168 - Poisoned Strike II
Attacks Line II: Flowing Energy
+40/42 - Flowing Snake II
+20/84 - Concussive Snake II
+0/168 - Devastating Serpent II