Stramazzone III
Type: Influence
Range: Long (100’)
Methods: Verbal, Physical, Concentration,
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Permanent
Time: One instant action
Area of Effect:
Focus: Weapon
Target: One enemy you have just attacked
Limits: Once per combat
Effect: All it takes is a quick light wheeling flick of the wrist after an attack to impart a scratch to the opponents face with the point. That and a few well placed words about his questionable birthright is usually all it takes to move their attention away from a party member that is hurt and on to you, at least until they have a chance to heal. You choose one attacker who you have just struck in combat and taunt them goading them to attack you first. This effect lasts one round unless resisted.
Automatic - up to uncommon
Rare - T-75
Unique - T-125