Counter III
Style: Endurance / Martial
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon (86-00)
Attack Bonus: +0
Damage: Piercing
Ability Type: Piercing Large III
Range: Close (5’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: Free
Focus: Rondel
Target: Qualifying Enemy
Uses: Armati Only / 1 per combat
Limits: You can use a counter just after an enemies attack is successfully blocked. It can be used instantly (as a free action) so don't forget to get those extra hits in. Remember you must have sufficient room to swing a small weapon.
Attacks: Small Piercing III (Rondel III)
Attacks Line: (Small Pierce - Lethal) 86+
+60/20 - Counter Jab III
+40/30 - Elbow Counter III
+20/60 - Redoubled Counter III
+0/120 - Devastating Counter III
Attacks Line III: Flowing Energy
+60/20 - Counter Flow III
+40/30 - Returning Counter III
+20/60 - Energy Counter III
+0/120 - Devastating Energy Counter III