Medieval Fantasy RPG

Coup de Main II
Style: Endurance / Physical
Efficiency: Unique
Critical: Special (51-00)
Attack Bonus: +0 (+5 - 2 handed)
Damage: +20%
Critical Bonus: +40
Ability Type: Training II Class (Roundel)
Range: Close (5’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: One 5' square
Focus: Rondel Dagger (Uncommon)
Target: One creature
Resistance: No
Uses: Armati Only
Limits: Attacker must have sufficient room to swing a small weapon and have their hands free. / Once per enemy

Effect: You slam through the enemies defense taking him by surprise and greatly increasing your chance of critical by attacking directly through their armed defense and taking damage in the process. Attack (Close) - Crit: 41-00 / Sacrifice 10 Health / +10 attack / +20% damage

Attacks: Class Small II - Close (Lethal)
+70/24 - Rushing Attack II
+50/36 - Rushing Attack II
+30/72 - Slamming Attack II
+10/144 - Concussive Attack II

Attacks: Class Small II - Close (Vigor - Non-Lethal)
+70/24 - sacrificial Burst II
+50/36 - sacrificial Charge II
+30/72 - sacrificial Energy II
+10/144 - sacrificial Concussion II