Premade Characters

Character Premade EternusPicking a Premade Character: Picking a premade character is one of the easiest ways to learn the gaming system. Just pick a character and learn a bit about their skills and powers by clicking on the links. Then run through one of our sample adventures to learn what the game is like.

Lvl 1 (Power Level 1): Characters at level 1 have one attack and usually start at 25% efficiency in their main skill and 05% in their secondary skills. Even at low levels a player character is much tougher than the average citizen of Eternus particularly with the right armor and other gear.

Note: We only have 8 characters available for play due to the changes for the new adventure releases so more coming soon.

Rare!! New PL1 (Level 4) Characters: Released for a side adventure play-test and usable for the upcoming campaign as alternatives to the standard characters.

Ancestral Guardian: Brennus Caraticus (Male Tarsis of the Merchant Class)
Angelus: (Coming Soon)
Armati: (Coming Soon)
Champion: Alessandra Borogini (Female Akiro of Noble Birth)
Magus Arcanum: (Coming Soon)
Proeliator: (Coming Soon)
Ritualist: (Coming Soon)
Shadow Warrior: Niamh O Faolain (Female Fairfolk of a Troubled Past)

Lvl 5 (Power Level 2): Characters at level 5 have two attacks and usually train up to 30% efficiency in their main skill and 10% in their secondary skills. Characters gain a significant increase at this level.

Ancestral Guardian: Brennus Caraticus (Male Tarsis of the Merchant Class)
Angelus: (Coming Soon)
Armati: (Coming Soon)
Champion: Alessandra Borogini (Female Akiro of Noble Birth)
Magus Arcanum: (Coming Soon)
Proeliator: (Coming Soon)
Ritualist: (Coming Soon)
Shadow Warrior: Niamh O Faolain (Female Fairfolk of a Troubled Past)

Lvl 9 (Power Level 3): Characters at level 9 have three attacks and usually train up to 35% efficiency in their main skill and 15% in their secondary skills. You can now lose an attack by missing twice so strategy changes a bit.

Ancestral Guardian: Brennus Caraticus (Male Tarsis of the Merchant Class)
Angelus: (Coming Soon)
Armati: (Coming Soon)
Champion: Alessandra Borogini (Female Akiro of Noble Birth)
Magus Arcanum: (Coming Soon)
Proeliator: (Coming Soon)
Ritualist: (Coming Soon)
Shadow Warrior: Niamh O Faolain (Female Fairfolk of a Troubled Past)

Lvl 13 (Power Level 4): Characters at level 13 have four attacks and usually train up to 40% efficiency in their main skill and 20% in their secondary skills.

Ancestral Guardian: Brennus Caraticus (Male Tarsis of the Merchant Class)
Angelus: (Coming Soon)
Armati: (Coming Soon)
Champion: Alessandra Borogini (Female Akiro of Noble Birth)
Magus Arcanum: (Coming Soon)
Shadow Warrior: Niamh O Faolain (Female Fairfolk of a Troubled Past)
Proeliator: Katja Stonerose
Ritualist: Finn Erland
Shadow Warrior: Suki Takari

Lvl 17 (Power Level 5): Characters at level 9 have five attacks and usually train up to 45% efficiency in their main skill and 25% in their secondary skills.

Magus Arcanum/HE: Paulina Talbot
Armati/HE: Nicia Mowbray
Champion/HE: Gildon Russell
Ritualist/HE: Baderon Devereaux

Lvl 21 (Power Level 6): Characters at level 9 have three attacks and usually train up to 50% efficiency in their main skill and 30% in their secondary skills. You are now usually one of the most powerful characters around and perhaps the region. At this point challenging yourself is harder than it used to be. This level is when characters get their first use of the devastating attack. This is the maximum power level without getting rare training

Lvl 25 (Power Level 7):

Proeliator: Katja Stonerose
Ritualist: Finn Erland
Shadow Warrior: Suki Takari

Lvl 29 (Power Level 8): Rare (NEW!!!)

Magus Arcanum/HE: Paulina Talbot
Armati/HE: Nicia Mowbray
Champion/HE: Gildon Russell
Ritualist/HE: Baderon Devereaux