Heroes of Eternus (Character: Armati)

Baderon Devereux ritualistBaderon Devereux
Resistance: (All) +0 | +40 (1a)
: 50% (+20) | End: 25% (+0) Inf: 25% (+0) | Int: 25% (+0) Kar: 25% (+0) | Spi: 25% (+0) Str: 25% (+0) | Sn: 25% (+0)
Aw: 45% (+?) | In: 0%
Poi: +45 | Fear: +45
S: 95% (+50) | Re: No
Resist Effect (Type): +0 |

Enhancement: | EP: (+0) | Health II +40 | Warding Senses +10 | Increase Faction (HOE) +10% | Enhanced Senses +10 |
Divine Inspiration: | Medic (Human) | Singing (Inf) | Enhanced Constitution II: +40 Health |
Favored Range: | Medium |

Identify Skills: | Magic: +0 | App: +0 | Holy: +40 | Non: +0 | Art: +0 | Talis: +0 | War: +0 | Anc: +0 | Col: +0 | Gat: +0 |
Activate Items: C Item: +0 | H Item: +0 | H Tot: +0 | C Tot: +0 | Magical Item: +0 |

Detect: | Wea: +0 | Items +0 | Div: Obj. Ownership +0 | Div: Obj. Location +0 | Div: Ally +0 | Div: Enemy +0 | Alignment: +100 | PL: +100 | Soul: +100 | Aura: +0 | Traps (Class): +0 | ET IV: Air +80 | Earth +80 | Defilement +80 | Corruption +80 | Necrotic +80 | Soulrot +80| E IV: Corruptor (I) | Curseblood | Baubas | Workskin | Ziburinis |

Move: Normal (+0) | Teleport Magic | (I) Self | (I) Levitation | (I) Group | (I) Slow Fall | (I) Object | (I) Hover | Traveling |

Physical: | Climb: +40 | Jump: +40 | Ride: +0 | Sneak: +40 | Evade: +0 | Pursue: +40 | Swim: +0 | Track: +80 | Wayfare: +40 | Disguise: +0 | Search: +0 | Medic (H): +40 | Medic (P): +40 | Medic (A): +40 | Planar: +0 | Commune: +40 | Taunt: +0 | Secret: +0 | RL: +0 | Break Object: +0 | Break Barricade: +0 | Heavy Object +0 | Instant Stand (FA): +0 | Tactics: +40 | Running: +0 |

Stances: | Run: +20 | Still: +20 | Prone: +20 | Alert: +0 | Braced: +0 | Charge: +0 | Covering: +20 | Crouching: +0 | Defensive: +0 | Evasive: +0 | Jumping: +0 | Offensive I: +10 | Pursuing: +0 | Stealthy: +0 | Taunt: +0 | Meditative Stance +80 |

Leadership Stance (Resistance: All +10)
| Defensive Stance I ( +10 Armor) | Stance II: (Stealth) +20 |

Alertness: +85 | Tr: +40 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: +0
Senses: +95 (+50) | Blindfighter: No | Light Sleeper: No |
Ambush: +85 (+40) | Tr: +0 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: Soft +10 |

Speed: +7 (+0): 45 mph | Ini: +0 | Gr: +0 | Tr: +0
Attacks (4): | A (C): (91+) | D (C): (91+) | A (P): (00) | D (C): (00)

Defense: T: +124/134 |
Defensive: Boost +10 | Stance +10 | Shield +7 |
Defensive: | Attune Chakra (Lethal) | Tempest Runes (Favored Range) | Defense: (Passive) Extended Range (+20) |
Negate Terrain (I): | Windy II |

Free Action: | Animal Spirit IV (Hawk) | Animal Spirit IV (Bear) | Communication IV (Group: Telepathic): |
Energy Substitutions
: Air | ES IV: Dharma | ES IV: Purity | ES IV: Moonlight | Dark Starlight | Shugyo | Ash | Nirvana |

Combat Enhancement: Critical II (+10 to critical and perfect)
At: AOE: Arctic Frost II Piercing/Frost (2H) 41/98
+130/11 |+110/17 | +90/33 | +80/66 | 1 per combat | Familiar (see limits)
At: AOE: Blunt/ES (1H) (C: 91:10 P: 98:20) +120/10 |+100/15 | +80/30 | +60/60 |
At: R: Pierce/ES (2H) 91/98: +105/20 |+85/30 | +65/60 | +45/120 (Crossbow)
At: C: Slash/ES (1H) 91/98: +105/20 |+85/30 | +65/60 | +45/120 (Crossbow)
At: M: Blunt/ES (2H) Meteor Hammer 91/98: +110/20 |+90/30 | +70/60 | +50/120 |
At: C: Class Karma Only (2H) Spirit Whip II 71/98: +115/20 |+95/30 | +75/60 | +55/120 | Wound II +40 on perfect |

Attack II (Extended Range): Dharmic Arrows II

Instant (Boost): Boost Defense +5 | Negate Terrain II (Party: Windy) | Negate Terrain IV (Blinding) | Summon Winds II | Boost Critical +10 (Entangling) | Move: Movement II (Group: In Combat): +40 feet L: 1C | Boost Speed II (+4 one ally) | Boost Critical (Class Enemy) I | Combat Detaunt II (Target Transfer) | Party Buff +20 Critical (One round) | Boost Perfect (+5) | Debuff IV (Cause Group Fear) IV | Weaken Obj (Health x .75) | Negate Terrain IV (Blinding: Party) | Creation II (Weaken Object): | Cure Party II (Poison) | Crowd Control II (AOE - Personal) |

Familiar II (Attack): Special Bonding II (Uncommon Familiar: Arctic Wolf) | Tracking +40 | (Alertness): +10 party alertness | +20 self |

Healing: | Ward of Presidium II | Sigil of Power II (60 point ward) | Group Healing III (Sacrificial) up to 300/take half | Healing III (Neg Health - OOC): | Healing and Cure III (Self) |

CP: Ritualist | Detaunt II (Self - Single): +4 | Weather Sense IV | Summon Class Weapon (I) | Boost Critical (Entranced) | Communication II: (Animal) |

HP: Humans of Eternus | UP: No | LS: None
Combat Powers (Item): Runes of Returning |

Weakness: | Earth -20 | Class Enemy Types -40 | Piercing -20

Health Points: T: 525 | Ba: 200 | HB: 0 | A: 120 | B: 100|E: 80 |
Protection: | P: (No)| E: (No) | T: (No) | Eco (Ter) | Ev (No) |
Conceal: | App: 0%| Pre: 0% | Ene: 0% | Ali: 0% | Wounds: +40 | Weapon: +40 | Weak: 0% | PL: 0% | PC: 0% |

Neg health (60%) 315 ( +10% charm) | Negative Effects: T-75 |
Recovery: | Death: |

| Time: World Clock: Jan 1102 |