Paulina Talbot (PL3: Magus Arcanum)
Paulina Talbot
Resistance: (All) +5
Agi: 50% (+20) | End: 30% (+0) Inf: 30% (+0) | Int: 55% (+0) Kar: 30% (+0) | Spi: 30% (+0) Str: 50% (+20) | Sn: 30% (+0)
Aw: 45% (+?) | In: 05%
Poi: +55 | Fear: +75
S: 50% (+0) | Re: No
Recovery (Stun): +40 |
Enhancement: | EP: (+0) |Warding Senses I +10 | Health II +40 | Climbing (Grow Nails) or change color | Class: +20 riddle/clue | Enhancement (Conceal Presence) II | Conceal (Power Use) II +40 |
Divine Inspiration: | Solve Riddle | Solve Mystery | Search |
Favored Range: | Long | Crafting Bonus: +5 |
Identify Skills: | Magic: +40 | App: +60 | Holy: +0 | Non: +0 | Art: +0 | War: +30 | Anc: +0 | Col: +0 | Gat: +0 |
Activate Items: C Item: +0 | H Item: +0 | H Tot: +0 | C Tot: +0 | Magical Item: | Activate Magic Item IV +80 |
Detect: | Wea: +0 | Items +0 | Div: Obj. Ownership +0 | Div: Obj. Location +0 | Div: Ally +0 | Div: Enemy +0 | Alignment: +100 | PL: +100 | Soul: +100 | Aura: +0 | Traps (Class): +0 | ET IV: Air +80 | Earth +80 | Defilement +80 | Eldritch Gems | Eldritch Aura | Cursed Spell Fragments | Black Ritual | Corruption +80 | E IV: Corruptor (I) | Spellcursed | War Machine | Spellborne | Magica | Dark Ceremonies | Mokoi |
Move: Normal (+0) | Teleport Magic | (I) Self | (I) Levitation | (I) Group | (I) Slow Fall | (I) Object | (I) Hover | Traveling |
Physical: | Climb: +10 | Jump: +0 | Ride: +0 | Sneak: +40 +10 to hide| Evade: +0 | Pursue: +0 | Swim: +0 | Track: +0 | Wayfare: +10 | Disguise: +0 | Search: +66 | Medic (H): +0 | Medic (P): +0 | Medic (A): +0 | Planar: +0 | Commune: +0 | Taunt: +40 | Secret: +80 | RL: +0 | Break Object: +0 | Break Barricade: +0 | Heavy Object +0 | Instant Stand (FA): +0 | Tactics: +40 | Conceal Tracks +40 | Running: +0 |
Stances: | Run: +20 | Still: +20 | Prone: +20 | Alert: +0 | Braced: +0 | Charge: +0 | Covering: +20 | Crouching: +0 | Defensive: +0 | Evasive: +0 | Jumping: +0 | Offensive I: +10 | Pursuing: +0 | Stealthy: +0 | Taunt: +0 | Stance (Intellect) IV: +40 |
Alertness: +80 | Tr: +40 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: +0
Senses: +40 | Blindfighter: No | Light Sleeper: No |
Ambush: +90 | Tr: +0 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: Soft +10 |
Speed: +9 (+5): 75 mph | Ini: +0 | Gr: +0 | Tr: +0
Attacks (4): | A (C): (91+) | D (C): (91+) | A (P): (00) | D (C): (00)
Defense: T: +129/139 |
Defensive: Boost Armor +5 | Defensive Stance I +10 | Shield +7
Defensive: | Arcane Bulwark II (Defense) | Sonic Barrier II (Favored Range) | Runic Armaments III (+30) Extended Range
Negate Terrain (I): |
Free Action: | Special Defensive II: Free Action | Lend Combat Item (Ally) IV | Combat Buff II (Ally): Free action (+2 energy damage) |
Energy Substitutions: Sonic II | ES IV: Arcane Magic | ES IV: Arcane Text | ES IV: White Crystal Shards | Air II | Arcane Glow | Fire II | Arcane Tracery | Rituals of Light |
Attack: Offensive Stance +10 attack |
At: L: (Mystical Words of Power) Bl/Son/Arc (1H) 91/98: +110/24 |+90/36 | +70/72 | +50/144
At: R: (Crossbow Attack) Pierce/Son/Arc (2H) 91/98: +115/20 |+95/30 | +75/60 | +55/120 (Crossbow) Special: Treasurefinder | Special Arrows |
At: T: (Ritual of Dislocation) Bl/Son/Arc (1H) 91/98: +110/10 (Eff: Steal Special II +50 damage on success)
At: AoE: (Magikos Curatio) Bl/Son/Arc (2H) 91/98: +115/10 Heals 1 | +95/15 Heals 3 | +75/30 Heals 6 | +55/60 Heals 12 |
At: AoE: (Ornus Arcanum) Bl/Son/Arc (2H) 81/98: +115/10 |+95/15 | +75/30 | +55/60 |
At: L: Arc (2H) Runes of War III (Arcane Text) 81/98: +145/22 |+125/33 | +105/66 | +85/132 |
At L: ES (1H) Diametric Globes II (Arcane Text/Heal) 91/98 | +110/20 |+90/30 | +70/60 | +50/120 | Heal same as Damage (One ally) |
At: L/F: ES (2H) Globes of Seeking II (Arcane Text) 61/98 | +115/20 |+95/30 | +75/60 | +55/120 | Once per round | Effect: Stunned II on crit or perfect |
At: L: Earth (2H) Excavation II 61/98: | Earth Only: +80/60 (Knockback III) or Move Earth II
At: X: ES (2H) Wand of Power II 91/98 | +115/20 |+95/30 | +75/60 | +55/120 | Once per round |
At: L: (1H) Mystical Arrows II - N/A/98 +120/20 |+100/30 | +80/60 | +60/120 | +10 att / no criticals
L: Chosen Enemy Attack II: (Mind Trap II) Long (2H) 51/98 +90/120 | Critical Effect Stun II | Poison II | Wound II (+10) | Perfect: x2 Damage | Once per combat per enemy |
Instant (Boost): Boost Defense +5 | Eyes of the Primeval IV | Boost (Stun): +10 | ET IV: Silence | ET IV: Eldritch Magic | Creation IV: (Magical Writing) | Cover Tracks II (Magical Creation): | Creation II (Sound) | Creation II: (Reinforce Object) | Crowd Control (Personal) IV | Analyze Uncommon Magic Item II | Transmogrify Object II | Arcane Ropework III | Boost Attack +5 | Cause Fear (Group) III | Illusion IV (Personal) Limited (Bonus: Ambush II) | Quick Study II | Boost I: Class Enemy | Negate Terrain (Unsteady) IV | Energy Shift III | Cause Poison (Group) III | Read Glyphs and Runes II | Planar Haven II | Phantasm II (Ambush +10 / +10 hit on success) | Conceal Power Use (I) +40 | Movement II (Object) | Teleport Self II Requires: Dragonscale +10 | Drain Magic Item II |
Creation (Fire) II |
Healing: | Sigil of Power II (60 point ward) | Potions |
CP: Magus Arcanum |Activate Magic Item IV +80 | Magus Arcanum | Elemental Glowstone | Runic Script IV | Ritual of Dislocation | Creation II (Protection - Elemental Critical) | Group Travel III (Evac): Emergency Teleport III
HP: Humans of Eternus | UP: Energy Shift III | LS: None
Combat Powers (Item): Runes of Returning |
Weakness: | Earth -20 | Class Enemy Types -40 | Piercing -20
Health Points: T: 530 | Ba: 225| HB: 60 | A: 80 | B: 0|E: 40 |
Protection: | P: (No)| E: (No) | T: (No) | Eco (Ter) | Ev (No) |
Conceal: | App: 0%| Pre: 0% | Ene: 0% | Ali: 0% | Wounds: +40 | Weapon: +40 | Weak: 0% | PL: 0% | PC: 0% |
Neg health (60%) 318 ( +10% charm) | Negative Effects: T-75 |
Recovery: | Death: |
Time: World Clock: Jan 1102 |
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. Only a humble man can wear the armor of the Grand Inquisitor. The armor will eventually consume all evil who wear it. The more vanity the wearer shows the faster the change will happen. Once the person is completely lost with lust for power the rightful owner of the armor need only to call and the spirit within will answer. Be not afraid; only look to the truth." It is Signed Yorick the Red Sage.
Leadership: Taverton of Glochestershire