Heroes of Eternus (Character: Champion)
Alessandra Borogini
Resistance: (All) +0 |
Agi: +35 (+0) | End: +25 (+0) Inf: +45 (+0) | Int: +25 (+0) Kar: +25 (+0) | Spi: +25 (+0) Str: +35 (+0) | Sn: +25 (+0)
Aw: +45 (+?) | In: +0
Poi: +45 | Fear: +45
S: 45% (+0) | Re: Recovery (Entranced) II
Resist Effect (Type): +0 |
Enhancement: | EP: (+0) | Enhanced health | meditation I | (CH) Enhancement (Influence I): +10 petition / +10 reason | Enhanced Negative Fighting I +10 | Enhance Senses +10 | Enhancement (Social) II: +20 challenge / +20 flatter
Divine Inspiration: |
Favored Range: Medium
Identify Skills: | Magic: +0 | App: +0 | Holy: +0 | Non: +0 | Art: +0 | Talis: +0 | War: +0 | Anc: +0 | Col: +0 | Gat: +0 |
Activate Items: C Item: +0 | H Item: +0 | H Tot: +0 | C Tot: +0 | Magical Item: +0 |
Detect: | Wea: +0 | Items +0 | Div: Obj. Ownership +0 | Div: Obj. Location +0 | Div: Ally +0 | Div: Enemy +0 | Alignment: +100 | PL: +100 | Soul: +100 | Aura: +0 | Traps (Class): +0 | ET IV: Deception +80 | Cold +80 |E IV: Deceiver (I) |
Move: Normal (+0) | Teleport Magic | (I) Self | (I) Levitation | (I) Group | (I) Slow Fall | (I) Object | (I) Hover | Traveling |
Physical: | Climb: +10 | Jump: +10 (+40 on horse) | Ride: +60 | Sneak: +0 | Evade: +0 | Pursue: +10 | Swim: +0 | Track: +40 | Wayfare: +0 | Disguise: +0 | Search: +0 | Medic (H): +0 | Medic (P): +0 | Medic (A): +0 | Planar: +0 | Commune: +0 | Taunt: +0 | Secret: +0 | RL: +0 | Break Object: +0 | Break Barricade: +0 | Heavy Object +0 | Instant Stand (FA): +0 | Tactics: +0 | Meditation I | Speed Boost II | Conceal Tracks II +20 |
Stances: | Run: +0 (+30 on horse) | Still: +0 | Prone: +0 | Alert: +0 | Braced: +0 | Charge: +0 (+30 on horse) | Covering: +20 | Crouching: +0 | Defensive: +0 | Evasive: +0 | Jumping: +0 | Offensive I: +10 | Pursuing: +0 | Stealthy: +0 | Taunt: +0 | Poised +10 Influence (Party) | Leadership Stance III: (Riding OOC x3 / Self x4) | Leadership Stance II: (Military Combat +10) Synchronized March II
Alertness: +105 (+40) | Tr: +20 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: +0
Senses: +55 (+10e) | Blindfighter: No | Light Sleeper: No |
Ambush: +45 | Tr: +0 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: |
Speed: +12 (+4 SPII/+2QS/+2helm): 60 mph (90mph OOC SWII) | Ini: +0 | Gr: +0 | Tr: +0
Attacks (4): | A (C): (91+) | D (C): (91+) | A (P): (00) | D (C): (00)
Defense: T: +138/+148 (Pot 122/132)| Protective I: +5 (self and 2 close allies +5) | Armor & Shield +8 | Defensive +4 Party (Buff) | Defensive SW Buff +3 | Defense IV: Extended Range (Only) +40
Defensive: Instant Boost +5 | Stance +10 | Shield +6 |
Defensive: |
Negate Terrain (I):
Free Action: |Creation IV (Temporary Barrier) | Temporary Weapon IV: +4 damage | Detect Attitude II: Test the Waters II | Summon Armor II: Combat Attire II |
Energy Substitutions: Heat | ES IV: Inspiration | ES IV: Divine Chorus |
Attack Bonuses: (PL1) 3 Attacks | Offensive Stance +10 | +4 Crit SW Buff | +4 damage Golden Mace (Call of the Champion IV) | Boost Attack +5 |
At: M: (Quicksilver Strike) Slash/ES (2H) 77/98: +113/21 |+93/32 | +73/63 | (War Scythe)
At: C: (Cinquenita) Pierce/ES (1H) 87/98: +109/20 |+89/30 | +69/60 (+50 crit vs heritage enemy)
At: C: (Barbed Flail) Pierce/Ent/ES (2H) 87/98: +109/20 |+89/30 | +69/60 (+50 crit vs heritage enemy)
At: M: (Charging Strike II) Pierce/ES (2H) 67/98: +129/24 |+109/36 | +89/72 | | Crit Effect: Knockback II | (Use Lance: Class) or -10 crit | UC Mount | Must Gallop | 1 per Round
At: M: (Call of Valor) Pierce/ES (2H) 67/98: +109/20 | (Lance: Class) | +10 to critical when galloping | Effect: Cure Fear II (Reroll +10) if hits | 1 per Round
At: M: Call to Victory II Pierce/ES (2H) 67/98: +109/20 | (Weapon: Class) | Effect: Cure Party (+5) if hits | 1 per round | only usable when an enemy has just been defeated (within one round)
At: AOE (Line): (Advancing Charge III) Pierce/ES (2H) 87/98: +121/10 | +101/15 | +81/30 | (Lance: Class) | +10 to critical when galloping |
At: L: (Longbow) Pierce/Ent/ES (2H) 87/98: +108/20 |+88/30 | +68/60 (+50 crit vs heritage enemy) | (Note: Subtrack -40 from attacks due to weapon)
At: C-M: (Slashing) Halbschwart II +110/20 |+90/30 | +70/60
At: M: Called Shot I - Slashing/ES (1H) 87/98: +85/120 (Devestating - must have hit enemy just previously)
At: M: Blunt/ES Petetioning of Souls II 61/98 +115/180 Attack II (Limited - Soul): 1 per round / only usable when an enemy is knocked into the negatives / enemy must have a soul | On Critical T-75 strength or knockout II.
Instant (Boost): Detect Damage Type: +0 | ET IV: Cold | ET IV: Deception | Shadowed Aura | Infernal Dirge | E IV: Bloodsworn | Deceiver | Summoner | Summon Shield II | Boost Critical I (Dazed) +10 | Boost Armor +5 | Summon Armor II | Summon Class Weapon II | Cause Fear (Group) IV: Defiance IV +10 to crit on success | Boost Attack +5 | Combat Buff (Single Attack - Limited) II: +20 att / +20 crit Yaulp II | Soothing Words I: (Instant) You heal an ally 50 or 100 health.
Healing: | Healing/Buff Combat (Limited - Party Member in Neg Health) II |
CP: Champion | Summon II (Class Weapon) | Enhancement (Limited Combat): +10 in joust or Meleegravee Honor on the Field II |
HP: Akiro | UP: No | LS: None
Combat Powers (Item):
Weakness: | Cold -20 | Class Enemy Types -40 | Blunt -20
Health Points: T: 430 | Ba: 225| HB: 0 | A: 140 | B: 0|E: 40 |
Protection: | P: (No)| E: (No) | T: (No) | Eco (Ter) | Ev (No) |
Conceal: | App: 0%| Pre: 0% | Ene: 0% | Ali: 0% | Wounds: +40 | Weapon: +40 | Weak: 0% | PL: 0% | PC: 0% |
Neg health (60%) (+10 enh/+0% charm) | Negative Effects: T-75 (+10) |
Recovery: | Death: |
| Time: World Clock: 1101 |
Interactive: Charm +30 | Incite +30 | Reason +40 | Lie +0 |
Flatter +50 | Insult +30 | Challenge +50 | Capitulate +30 | Petition +40 | Manipulate +0 | Joke +30 | Threaten +0 | Flirt +30 | Bully +0 | Bribe +50 | Extort +30 | Boast +10 | Demean +10 | Golden Aura of Light II +40 on one interaction
Languages: | Common +100 | Deru +100 | Divinus +100 | Draconic +100 | Elven +100 | Eternus +100 | Fudokan +100 | Minos +100 | Silvermane +100 | Stonecutter +100 | Linguistics: Yes |
Contacts: P: Name | Name | H: No | C: Name |
Noncombat Buff IV (Boost Perfect):
Inspirational Devotion IV | Defensive +4 Party (Buff) | Locate Safe Haven II: Find Safe Haven II | Training II: +10% to all reputation (party) Renown II | Locate Follower I (Common):
Inspirational Plea I | Locate I: Class Contact Locate Champion I (Uncommon) | Locate Regional Leader I (Uncommon) |
Helm of the Lost Guardian - Heavy helm +15 (Free: +40 damage to a single attack usable once per combat | +2 speed)