Medieval Items (Cloth Armor)
Dragonvine Doublet
Efficiency: Uncommon +8 (100c)
Slot: Internal
Item Training: Yes
Quantity: 1
Type: Cloth Armor
Value (x60) / Rarity (x2): 24Pa
Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Uncommon
Aura: Uncommon
Magical Mark: Kimberly | Redthorn
Concealment: Mimic Armor II (+1-5) | Item Invisibility II
Normal Uses: Defense Bonus (+4.0/40%) (At Will)
Special Uses: Material Coordination II (Element)
Limits: None
Effect: None
Critical: (Damage 91-00)
Description: This armor is dark purple and appears to be expertly woven and etched with great skill. It is adorned with small silver colored stones and stiched with black thread around the edges. It consists of an elegant corset that laces up the back.
GM Notes: xxxx