Medieval Items (Cloth Armor)

Sheer Dragonwhisker Gloves medieval cloth armor
Efficiency: Uncommon +10 (100c)
Slot: Hands

Item Training: Yes
Quantity: 2
Type: Cloth Armor
Value (x100) / Rarity (x2): 4Au

Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Uncommon

Aura: Uncommon
Magical Mark: Mittainne | Huntington
Concealment: Mimic Armor II (+1-5) | Item Invisibility II

Normal Uses: Defense Bonus (+5.0/50%) (At Will)
Special Uses: Energy Substitution II (Elemental)
Limits: None
Effect: None

Critical: (Damage 91-00)

Description: This woven cloth armor is dark gray and has black stars etched into the edges of the fabric. It has small black engravings of of circles with dragons inside that are curled towards their tails so they appear spherical. It consists of two sheer gloves which snap at the wrist.

GM Notes
: xxxx