Uncommon Items (+6 to +10) By Slot
Armor Slots (10):
Cloth Armor (Uncommon)
Light Armor (Uncommon)
Medium Armor (Uncommon)
Heavy Armor (Uncommon)
Held (2): Primary and Secondary (Shield or weapon)
plus Spellbooks, Martial Training Tokens, They must be on your person somewhere.
Primary | Secondary | Both
Blunt (Uncommon)
Entangling (Uncommon)
Piercing (Uncommon)
Slashing (Uncommon)
Fist (Uncommon)
Large Weapons (Uncommon)
Class Weapons (Uncommon)
Jewelry Slots (6):
Ears (Uncommon)
Finger (Uncommon)
Neck (Uncommon)
Waist (Uncommon)
Wrist (Uncommon)
Adornments (8):
18) Ancestral Totem - Ancestral Spell
19) Back - Class Spell
20) Charm - Illumination / Travel (OOC) / Movement
Illumination: Light Gem (+6) / Greater Light Gem (+7) /Magical Lantern (+9) / Moonlight Dragon Charm (+10) /
Travel (OOC): Red Horse Statuette (+6) / Brown Horse Statuette (+8) / Black Horse Statuette (+10) /
Movement: Angel Wing Seal (+10) /
21) Class Totem - Class Special / Common: None
22) Collar - Immune to Critical (Elemental Energy Type),
Star Etched Collar (+10)
23) Face - Taunt / Detaunt
Taunt: Tribal Paint (+6) / Tribal War Paint (+7) / Silver War Mask (+8)
Detaunt: Copper Mask of Serenity (+6) / Bronze Mask of Serenity (+7) / Aura of Serenity (+8)
24) Forehead - Resistance: Influence
Feathered Headband (+6) / Silver Vine Headband (+7) / Jeweled Coronet (+8)
25) Tattoo - Resistance: Supernatural
Tribal Band (+6) / Symbols of Protection (+8) / Ghost Mark (+10)
Worn (6): Magical Item Containers (1-50 items), Special containers (2-200 if a type), / Water / Writing (Special)
26-31) Item Containers (6)
Writing (Special):
Attachments (3): Climbing / Crafting Protection / Snow Travel /
32) Boot covers
Climbing: Climbing Boots +4 / Climbing Boots +5 /
Crafting: Protective Boot Covers +4 /
Protective Boot Covers +5 /
Enviornmental Protection: Snow Boots +4 / Snow Boots +5 /
33) Glove covers
Climbing: Climbing Gloves +4 / Climbing Gloves +5 /
Crafting: Protective Glove Covers +4 /
Protective Glove Covers +5 /
Enviornmental Protection: Snow Gloves +4 / Snow Gloves +5 /
34) Waist covers
Ranged (2):
Dragon's Claw (Crossbow) / Spear / Javelin / Dart / Blowgun / Throwing Axe / Shuriken / Throwing Knife / Wristbow / Sling / Longbow / Short bow / Horse Bow / Recurve Bow /
Elemental Runestone / Elemental
34) Ranged Weapon
35) Ammo
Consumable (6): Cure Health / Cure Poison / Cure Fear / Cure Disease / Water Breathing / Boost Perception (Damage Type) / Boost Perception (Invisible) / Boost Animal Friendship /
36-41) Consumable
Incendiary (6): Candle of Protection / Pepper Bomb / Poison Detection / Smoke Bomb / Flash Bomb / Boost Perception (Invisible) / Boost Perception (Illusion) /
42-47) Incendiary