Medieval Fantasy RPG - Welcome

Uncommon Items +6 to +10 (26-50%) (By Slot)

Armor Slots (10): Substitution (Energy Type) x2
Dragon Ram (Siege Weapon +10)

medieval armor headHead - (Resistance: Intellect)
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Cap |+6 Coif |+7 Cap |+7 Coif |+8 Cap |+8 Coif |+9 Cap |+9 Coif |+9 Cowl |+10 Cap |+10 Coif |+10 Cowl |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor armsArms - (material coordination *1 of 5)
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Poet's |+6 Bands |+7 Poet's |+7 Bands |+8 Poet's |+8 Bands |+9 Bands |+9 Bracers |+10 Bands |+10 Armwraps |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor shouldersShoulders - (material coordination *2 of 5)
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Amice |+6 Shawl |+7 Amice |+7 Shawl |+8 Amice |+7 Shawl |+8 Amice |+8 Shawl |+9 Amice |+9 Shawl |+10 Amice |+10 Shawl |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor internalInternal - (material coordination *3 of 5)
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Doublet |+6 Corset |+7 Doublet |+7 Corset |+8 Doublet |+8 Corset |+9 Doublet |+9 Camisole |+10 Doublet |+10 Babydoll |+10 Camisole |+10 Corset |+10 Teddy |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor chestChest - (material coordination *4 of 5)
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Shirt |+6 Vest |+7 Shirt |+7 Vestment |+8 Shirt |+8 Vest |+9 Chemise |+9 Vestment |+10 Bustier |+10 Robe |+10 Vest |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor thighsThighs: (material coordination *5 of 5)
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Leggings |+6 Pants |+7 Leggings |+7 Pants |+8 Leggings |+8 Pants |+9 Leggings |+9 Pants |+9 Short Skirt |+10 Leggings |+10 Pants |+10 Long Skirt |+10 Short Skirt |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor midsectionMidsection - Resistance: Strength
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Belt |+6 Obi |+7 Belt |+7 Obi |+8 Belt |+8 Obi |+9 Belt |+9 Braid |+9 Obi |+10 Belt |+10 Braid |+10 Obi |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor handsHands - Substitution (Energy Type):
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Gloves |+6 Handwraps |+7 Gloves |+7 Handwraps |+8 Gloves |+8 Handwraps |+9 Gloves |+9 Fingerless |+9 Bracelet |+10 Gloves |+10 Fingerless |+10 Bracelet |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):

medieval armor shinsShins: Jumping
Cloth (Common): +6 Legwraps |+6 Guards |+7 Legwraps |+7 Guards |+8 Legwraps |+8 Guards |+9 Legwraps |+9 Guards |+10 Legwrap |+10 Guards |
Light (Common):
Medium (Common):
Heavy (Common):

medieval armor feetFeet - Speed Boost
Cloth (Uncommon): +6 Slippers |+6 Sandals |+7 Slippers |+7 Sandals |+8 Slippers |+8 Sandals |+9 Slippers |+9 Sandals |+10 Shoes |+10 Boots |
Light (Uncommon):
Medium (Uncommon):
Heavy (Uncommon):