Overview of Stonemason Items

Crafting toolsStonemason: A stonemason lives and breathes rocks and stone. He can take a huge boulder and turn it into a magnificent work of art. He can make many weapons, shields, home items. fortification blocks, travel horses, and many other useful items. (Shown: Stonemason's Guild Crest)

Forge Tools: All eight sets of tools are needed by all crafters.
Forge Tools (Stonemason): | Common | Uncommon |

Stonemason (Common):

05% (+1) Forge Tools (Stonemason: Common)
05% (+1) Polished Heartstone (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
05% (+1) Fortified Blocks (Construction: Fortification)
05% (+1) Travel Horse I
05% (+1) Stonemasons Shield
05% (+1) Stonemasons Weapons

10% (+2) Ceremonial Stone Hoops (Ears: Karma +10)
10% (+2) Nagura Stone Paste (Crafting: Weapon Sharpening)
10% (+2) Stone Adornment (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
10% (+2) Travel Horse II
10% (+2) Stonemasons Shield
10% (+2) Stonemasons Weapons

15% (+3) Talisman of Recovery (Consumable: +25 Negate System Shock)
15% (+3) Etched Tablet (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
15% (+3) Stone Caltrops
15% (+3) Travel Horse III
15% (+3) Stonemasons Shield
15% (+3) Stonemasons Weapons

20% (+4) Hardened Grindstone (Crafting: Windmill)

20% (+4) Perfect Stone Globes (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
20% (+4) High Quality Stone Dinnerware (Home: Entertaining +10)
20% (+4) Travel Horse IV
20% (+4) Stonemasons Shield
20% (+4) Stonemasons Weapons

25% (+5) Armored Wagon (Wheels Only)
25% (+5) Mystical Horn (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
25% (+5) Create Art (Common: Stonework)
25% (+5) Travel Horse V
25% (+5) Stonemasons Shield
25% (+5) Stonemasons Weapons

Stonemason (Uncommon):

30% (+6) Hunter's Stone (Charm: Animal Detection by type)
30% (+6) Forge Tools II (Stonemason)
30% (+6) Magical Fire Stones (Slotless: Create a campfire)
30% (+6) Travel Horse VI
30% (+6) Funerary Stone (Slotless: Consecrate one grave)
30% (+6) Stone Watchdog (Slotless: Protect Home)
30% (+6) Stonemason Weapons
30% (+6) Stonemason Shield

35% (+7) Quick Spike Trap
35% (+7) Ritual Stone Hoops (Ears: Karma +20)
35% (+7) Medallion of Stonebreaking (Neck: break barrier)
35% (+7) Spirit Statue (Slotless: Movement Detection)
35% (+7) Stonework of Watching (Mask and Statue)
35% (+7) Travel Horse VII
35% (+7) Stonemason Weapons
35% (+7) Stonemason Shield

40% (+8) Miner's Belt Buckle (Waist: Gear Weight Reduction)

40% (+8) Mystic Stone Fireplace (Increase mental: home only)
40% (+8) Brightstones (slotless: illumination)
40% (+8) Balanced Stone Hammer (Held: Crafting Perfect / Critical Boost)
40% (+8) Travel Horse VIII
40% (+8) Sacred Fountain (house yard only: additional house faction in hometown)
40% (+8) Stonemason Weapons
40% (+8) Stonemason Shield

45% (+9) Cornerstones of Ether (Crafting: Phase Protection)
45% (+9) Stone Vault (secure spaceless storage: home only)
45% (+9) Stone Tiger: Attack (45%) Once per rest
45% (+9) Sacred Cross of Protection (Charm: curse protection)
45% (+9) Travel Horse IX
45% (+9) Stone Sales Case (Reduced auction fees: home only)
45% (+9) Stonemason Weapons
45% (+9) Stonemason Shield

50% (+10) Sacred Geode (Material: Sacrifice)
50% (+10) Stone Clasp AOE Damage (Perfect)
50% (+10) Travel Horse X
50% (+10) Build Secret Passage (Stone)
50% (+10) Build Stone Siege Weapons
50% (+10) Build Stone Fortifications
50% (+10) Stonemason Weapons
50% (+10) Stonemason Shield