Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Cricieth - Cricieth is a town and community on Cardigan Bay south of Caernarfon. The town is south facing and built around the rocky outcrop containing Criccieth Castle. The town grew up around the ruins of Criccieth Castle, which has a spectacular view of the town and the surrounding countryside. Llywelyn built the Castle during the Dirgon Siege and it was lost to their attacks and has never been rebuilt. The town is noted for its large fairs, held on annual fairs on 25 April and 18 October, the evangelical feasts of Saint Mark and Saint Luke, when large numbers of people visit the fairground and the market which spreads through many of the streets of the town. Weekly markets are held on Thursdays. The city also holds a large parish church, Saint Catherines.

East Shore - The East Shore has a sandy beach, At the eastern end is a rocky area with rock pools exposed at low tide. Black Rock sands marks the boundary.

Marine Beach - The Marine Beach, to the west, is rocky.

Criccieth Castle - Criccieth Castle stands on a rock overlooking Cardigan Bay. Little survives of the original building, but some of the outer defenses are still intact. The inner bailey contains the earliest remains, including the inner gatehouse, which has two semi-circular towers. It is thought that the original living quarters were in the south west tower, overlooking the sea, and that the square north tower supported a catapult.

The Commons - In the centre of the city lies the town commons. There is many businesses in this are including a very talented metalsmith. It is here that the weekly market is held, and it is also the venue for occasional political meetings.

Abermarchnad - This is the the site of the old market of the original fishing village. It contains the green, a sacred area that holds the golden well and the stone cross of St Catherine.

Golden Well - This ancient gold colored stone well supplies much of the town's water. It was said to have been dug by St. Catherine herself and helps to keep the villagers free from disease. It is part of the local traditions. *See honoring the Lady)

Cae Dyni - This chambered tomb lies on the coast to the east of the town and consists of seven upright stones, and 13 cup marks, arranged in several groups.

Cricieth Daisys - One plant unique to Cricieth is the Cricieth Daisy which is reputed to have a number of herbal properties and is renouned for its beauty.

The Mill - The town's mill is powered by water from a millpond and is one of the primary sources of income for local residents.

Fishing - The fishing industry is important with horsedrawn carts converging on Abermarchnad to transport the catch, primarily of herring, to neighboring villages.

Coal Yard - There is also a coal yard.

Baliff's House - This large century house is the residence of the estate bailiff. Three ancient stone cottages near this house are thought to be the oldest in the town.

Tannery - The tannery outside of town has been there for hundreds of years.

The Memorial Hall - This ancient hall in the commons is a venue for community events and the main venue during the annual Criccieth Festival.

The Ancient Lion - This old rustic inn is one of the finest for the price. It is rumored that the town's councillors used to retire here after their meetings to make secret deals in a hidden area of the inn accessed by secret passages. No one has ever found them however

Honoring the Lady - It is a honored custom that on the anniversary of St Catherines birth that keys or pins be thrown into the golden well at Abermarchnad as an offering to Saint Catherine.

St Catherine's Parish Church - Religion is a important part of Criccieth's life most of it centered around St Catherine's Parish Church. It contains wooden panelling made from old box pews and a communion table. On the wall is a list of rectors stretching back for centuries. Behind the building is an ancient graveyard. Outside the west door is a sundial with distances to ports in all directions.

St Deiniol's Church - St Deiniol's Church was built for use by the humans of the area since the services at the parish church are held in Draconic.

Hymns on the Green - For thousands of years hymn singing has taken place on Sunday evenings on the small green at Abermarchnad near the stone cross of St Catherine.