Kirkcudbrightshire (Alba) - Kirkcudbrightshire, which is also known as East Galloway, encompasses the shores of the Solway Firth and Hibernia Sea between the Rivers Nith and Cree and extends inland across an lush green landscape of hills and valleys, rising in the northwest to the hill of Merrick.
Wars and Invasions - Kirkcudbrightshire has faced and repelled invasions by Deathwalkers, Sawney, Graymen, Mortuus, and many others. The region’s feudal barons hold great power in the region unlike most regions that unite behind a strong Duke or Countess. The Balliols, Fergusons, and Douglases are the most powerful baronies in the area. Kirkcudbrightshire is the home of two large Cistercian abbeys, one at Sweetheart and one at Dundrennan. The royal burgh and former county town of Kirkcudbright, along the estuary of the River Dee, remains the principal town in the area, along with Castle Douglas and Dalbeattie.
Kircudbright -
Thrave Castle -
Castle Douglas -
Dalbeattie -
New Galloway -
New Abby (Village) - The nave of the Cistercian Sweetheart Abbey is located here.
Regional Encounters (Alba)
Nighe - A Nighe is a Banshee.
Bodach - A shapeshifing imp.
Bugge - A ghost that formed out of straw and plants.
Shellycoat - A sprite that protects rivers and streams.
Uisge - A foul creature, formed out of sludge and poison.
Eker - A large being of gruesome and slimy appearance.
Lavellan - A rodent as large as a dog, that gives off poison.
Morag - Huge 20' long water serpent creature.
Dunter - A murderous Elf said to inhabit ruined castles.
Trow - Hideous creatures that can turn invisible.
Dark Whisps - Dark counterparts of whisps.Racial
Elves Racial Enemies:
Blightwalker - Dire Enemy of the Deru (Tree Elves)
Sawney - Dire Enemy of the Ljosalfar (Sun Elves)
Dark Fae - Dire Enemy of the Fairfolk (Highland Elves)
Nokk -Dire Enemy of the Dokkalfar (Night Elves)
Epic Enemies: